Indigenous and local communities are stewards and knowledge-holders for the lion’s share of Earth’s remaining intact landscapes. In 2020, GLF has continued to center and platform Indigenous and local voices in restoration and development, including championing the recognition of Indigenous rights to lands and resources. As countries across the globe turn their attention to ‘building back better’ in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, GLF has emphasized that such rights-based approaches will be crucial to forging a green, just recovery process.
Why global food systems should resemble those of the Indigenous Peoples
Lessons for more resilient and sustainable food systems
Voices of the Landscapes
Indigenous Peoples are the time-immemorial guardians of many of the world’s remaining biodiversity-rich landscapes – and of the spirituality, values and worldviews embedded in these spaces.
5 books to give you Indigenous wisdom
Recommendations for your reading list for Indigenous People’s Day 2020
Session highlight: Voices of the Landscapes
The Voices of the Landscapes plenary session at the GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference served to amplify the voices of Indigenous landscape guardians, and provided a platform for civil society groups, the private sector, policy-makers, local authorities and youth to discuss processes that draw from Indigenous peoples' and local communities' knowledge to generate scalable solutions to contemporary challenges.
Voices of the Landscapes
This plenary session featured the work and voices Indigenous environmental guardians from across the globe, and offered an opportunity for policymakers and local actors to explore ways of scaling Indigenous and local communities’ solutions to ecological and social challenges.
If there’s one thing 2020 has shown us, it’s how deeply we’re all connected. This year, GLF has consistently advocated for a ‘One Health’ approach to preventing future pandemics and addressing the current climate and biodiversity crises, by holistically addressing human, animal and ecological health. To this end, GLF’s Biodiversity Digital Conference centered on the theme of “One World – One Health,” and the conference drew international attention to this promising strategy for confronting complex, intertwined issues.
One Health, one cure
The history of the approach to health that promises to prevent future pandemics
Biodiversity 101: Why it matters and how to protect it
The ins and outs of protecting our planet’s species
World leaders on what is next for the environment movement after COVID-19
This session at GLF Bonn 2020 describes how we can ‘Build Back Better’ in coming months and years
For these 6 species, there could be fewer than 100 left
Here are some of the most critically endangered species on Earth
Event Focus: GLF Biodiversity
As the United Nations’ Council on Biological Diversity sets the course for the coming decade on halting biodiversity loss, the GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference 2020, held on October 28-29, played a major role in highlighting pathways by which humanity can make the transition from exploiting to restoring the Earth’s ecosystems.
Global Landscapes Forum Biodiversity
The conference anchored the importance of addressing human, animal and environmental health holistically through the ‘One Health’ approach. It convened more than 5,000 people from 148 countries online to exchange knowledge and inform decision-makers about the crucial interdependencies of all life on Earth.
This year, GLF has played a key role in informing and shaping the upcoming UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, whilst facilitating educative forums on pressing issues such as wildfires and effective tree-planting. The organization has also launched several restoration-related initiatives of its own, such as the youth-focused Restoration Stewards program and the GLFx local chapter network.
Forgotten Forests
A serial exploration into the planet’s most precious – yet neglected – tropical forests
GLF in Action
GLF in Action: Kicking off the first GLFx chapters and announcing the Restoration Stewards
Trees are having a heyday in the headlines, but we must be careful what we say
What do we talk about when we talk about tree-planting?
The ‘Digital Forum: Can tree planting save our planet?’ took place on 29 September and highlighted the many ways to make tree planting good for people and the planet. An integrated approach that features mosaic landscapes is needed for successful land restoration, and a policy of ‘radical inclusion’ should harness the wisdom of landscape inhabitants, NGOs, communities and policy makers, women and youth.
Digital Forum: Can tree planting save our planet?
Scientists, community leaders, forestry experts, investors and policymakers participated in the half-day event, the largest ever staged by CIFOR-ICRAF. Almost 5,000 participants from 123 countries tuned in to the forum which reached 5 million people via social media.
How can we feed the world without eating the planet – and continue to do so in times of crisis? These were the principal questions posed at GLF Bonn 2020, which was held online in June, as the COVID-19 pandemic claimed lives and livelihoods, and disrupted food systems across the globe. This year, GLF has ‘gone deep’ into sustainable ways of producing food and securing livelihoods, with a view to developing more resilient and adaptable systems to confront the crises of the future.
What are – and aren’t – nature-based solutions?
Multinationals are increasingly harnessing nature to reach green goals, but it can be a tricky business
A library for understanding the soils of the world
New soil spectral library addresses global food supply through advanced soil analysis
Youth Daily Show – No food waste
Being able to choose what and how much you eat is a privilege, and we should use this privilege to stop eating our planet
GLF Bonn Digital Conference
The GLF Bonn Digital Conference 2020 represented a watershed moment for GLF: forced by the COVID-19 pandemic to take the gathering entirely online, the organization rose to the challenge and fast-tracked its digital development to create a highly interactive and inclusive event, which was attended by 5,000 people from 146 countries.
GLF Bonn Digital Conference
Discussions centered on how to rebuild the planet’s food systems, which had been severely disrupted by the pandemic, for resilience and sustainability in the face of ecological and health crises.
It’s painfully clear that the less action we take now on biodiversity loss and climate change, the more costs we accrue in the long run. But we can’t alter our course without the cash to do so, and that means channeling private sector funds into the changes we want to see. GLF continues to advocate for the business benefits of green investment in all its guises, from green bonds to financing biodiversity and more.
Building the business case for biodiversity
Why investing in natural capital makes sense for people, planet (and profit!)
How to improve smallholders’ access to finance in sustainable farming systems?
Four entrepreneurs from Global Innovation Lab joined the session to share their practical experience in developing climate finance instruments for agriculture business
Green bonds fall short in biodiversity and sustainable land-use finance, says research
Energy projects receive most green bond proceeds, new paper discusses finding balance
Session highlight: Financial incentives for a biodiversity-friendly future – is green recovery a catalyzer?
At the GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference, the session entitled 'Financial incentives for a biodiversity-friendly future – is green recovery a catalyzer?' explored how financial instruments can be customized and redesigned to align with the implementation of the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework. The session brought together public- and private-sector experts to discuss how to bring successful approaches to scale in the context of 'green recovery' from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Financial incentives for a biodiversity-friendly future – is green recovery a catalyzer?
In this session, public- and private-sector discussed how to rework financial instruments, and scale up successful existing approaches, to help meet the objectives of the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework in the context of ‘green recovery’ from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Best of 2020
Forgotten Forests:
A serial exploration into the planet’s most precious – yet neglected – tropical forests
One Health, one cure
The history of the approach to health that promises to prevent future pandemics
What are – and aren’t – nature-based solutions?
Multinationals are increasingly harnessing nature to reach green goals, but it can be a tricky business
The forward movement of organic growth
t has taken a century to establish the organics sector. Where does it need to go now?
The fractal nature of almost all things
Understanding nature’s fractals, from galaxies to ecosystems to the human heartbeat
Protected areas in a post-COVID world
In recent years, conservation approaches that promote strict separation of humans and nature have fallen under criticism, largely owing to their disregard for rural and Indigenous communities who manage and depend on protected areas.
Voices of the Landscape: Land transitions towards securing legal and customary land tenure of Indigenous Peoples and decolonizing conservation
Download Indigenous Peoples’ status as critical and time-immemorial biodiversity guardians shouldn’t need verifying, but a series of recent studies are finally opening the global conservation scene’s eyes to the pivotal role that they play in preserving the world’s ecosystems.
The ‘triple challenge’ and tackling trade-offs between climate, food and biodiversity goals
Simultaneously avoiding dangerous climate change, halting and reversing dramatic biodiversity loss and meeting the needs of a growing global human population are three interlinked and critical goals we must achieve in this half-century. Climate change is increasingly recognised as a global emergency, with the current ~1°C of global warming already negatively affecting people and nature all around the world (IPCC, 2018; IPCC 2019a,b).
Growing Better: Ten Critical Transitions to Transform Food and Land Use
Transforming the world’s food and land use systems is necessary to achieve the targets for climate and sustainable development set out in the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on climate change. The Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU) was launched in 2017 to catalyse and speed up this transformation.
A green post-COVID-19 recovery
The economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic involves both short-term priorities and longer term planning of the eventual recovery. The immediate need is to continue mobilising public health resources and actions to contain, suppress and ultimately eradicate the virus.
Mobilizing Investors to Protect Climate, Land and Biodiversity
There is an urgent need to mobilize finance at scale to support nature-based solutions if we are to have any hope of responding effectively to the ongoing climate and biodiversity crises.
Closing the Nature Funding Gap: A Finance Plan for the Planet
We need 700 billion dollars to reverse the global biodiversity crisis—here’s how we get it.
How can Green Bonds catalyse investments in biodiversity and sustainable land-use projects?
Biodiversity loss, rapid deforestation and forest degradation appear to be some of the root causes behind the emergence of zoonotic diseases such as COVID-19.
Biocultural heritage territories: key to halting biodiversity loss
Biodiversity, on which humanity depends, is being lost at an unprecedented rate. And the diversity of human cultures which has sustained biodiversity for millennia is fast disappearing. In 2021, governments will agree a new set of post-2020 targets for addressing biodiversity loss.
Principles for successful tree planting
Trees (provenances, species genotypes) from the right seed sources should be suited to their purpose and environment.
Women farmers, the unsung heroes
In our very first episode that coincides with International Women’s Day, we highlight the lives of the world’s invisible heroes: women farmers who feed the world. Our guests Houria Djoudi, CIFOR Senior Scientist, Sustainable Landscape and Livelihood team, and Ana Maria Paez-Valencia, ICRAF Scientist on Gender Unit, share their insights on the roles of women in forest communities and the inspiration for their research with women around the world.
What are the four principles of organic agriculture?
The four principles of organic agriculture are the roots from which organic agriculture grows and develops. They express the contribution that organic agriculture can make to the world, and a vision to improve all agriculture in a global context.
7 reasons why the loss of #biodiversity concerns us all, in only 1 minute.
#ThinkLandscape @WWF @IPBES @UNEP @WHO
“What we need right now more than anything is imagination. We need the power of the human mind to imagine what the future will look like.” 💡🌿 – Tim Christophersen, head of Freshwater, Land and Climate Branch, @unep
#GLFBonn2020 #ThinkLandscape #greenfuture #sustainability #sustainablefuture #greenjobs #climateaction #studioraa
Travel to Malaysian Borneo with The Borneo Project to learn about the rare wildlife of this unique island and see how local communities are involved in documenting and maintaining forest health!
To achieve the sustainable finance revolution, some elements will be critically important, and should be part of a virtuous circle:
Get ready for the #GLFBiodiversity with @SadhguruJV & @ishafoundation‘s guided meditation for a healthy mind and planet:
#OneWorldOneHealth #ConsciousPlanet
Every voice can make an impact. 🌿✊💚.
“Youth can be frontliners in efforts towards securing community land rights.” – Danilo Antonio, Programme Management Officer, UN Habitat
📸 By Ollivier Girard. (Ngotimi Rodrigue holds a Gnetum plant in the village of Minwoho, Lekié, Center Region, Cameroon)
#GLFBonn2020 #ThinkLandscape #climatecrisis #climateaction #solidarity #standup #climateactivist #oneearth #noplanetb
When farmers around the world farm sustainably, they don’t just grow food – they become superheroes protecting our soils, guarding biodiversity and defending the earth.
Today is International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples! 💚.
More than 370 million indigenous peoples living in 90 countries are working to maintain forests that are home to 80 percent of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity. 🌎 ✊
#ThinkLandscape #indigenouspeople #indigenousrights #indigenouslivesmatter #forests #biodiversity #rights #humanrights
Women are… …Restoring the Earth. #ThinkLandscape #IWD2020
“I know we can move from a system that degrades the land, degrades our health, degrades the farmers, to a regenerative farming that replenishes the earth,” asserts Vandana Shiva
5 Things YOU can do to protect biodiversity – but might not have thought about. #GLFBiodiversity
What are nature-based solutions – and what can they do?
“In order to be effective, nature-based solutions must be employed alongside other mitigation actions, and scientific care must be taken to avoid NBS becoming means for greenwashing.”
– Tim Christophersen, head of the nature for climate branch of UN Environment (UNEP)
This was #GLFBonn2020: 5,000 people joining from 185 countries 300 speakers 60 sessions 50 million reached Together with
4 events are on the horizon for 2021, including a new Investment Case Symposium, GLF Africa: Drylands in June, GLF Amazon in September, and GLF Glasgow (6-7 November) alongside COP26. Be one of the first to know more by signing up for the Global Landscapes Forum newsletter, delivered straight to your inbox once a month. Click on an event below, sign up for our newsletter and stay in-the-know.
GLF Africa: Drylands
3 JuneGLF Amazon
SeptemberGLF Glasgow
NovemberGLF 5th Investment Case in Luxembourg
Best of 2020
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