
Vivienne Yeda on how fintech is changing farmers’ lives

4 Apr 2022

GLF Climate 2022: As it happened Hosted on the sidelines of COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, and online, GLF Climate 2022: Frontiers of Change united 7,000 participants from 164 countries and rallied over 27 million people on social media around what humanity can still do to avoid the worsening impacts of the climate crisis. […]

Carole Dieschbourg on how to invest our way to net zero

21 Mar 2022

Luxembourg has pledged to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Here’s how it plans to fund the transition, according to the Grand Duchy’s Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development, Carole Dieschbourg.

What is sustainable finance?

21 Feb 2022

Sustainable finance and ESG investing are trending topics – but what do these terms really mean? How can they help mobilize funds to combat climate change and restore the Earth’s dwindling biodiversity? From definitions to key players, here’s all you need to know about sustainable finance. Picture this: a time when investing wasn’t just about […]

Ravi Prabhu: What does a stewardship economy look like?

24 Jan 2022

GLF Climate 2021: As it happened   Hosted digitally and in Glasgow alongside COP26, the GLF Climate hybrid conference made a unanimous call for ambitious, concrete action to stop the climate crisis. Attended by 4,386 digital participants from 145 countries, along with 481 in-person participants at the University of Glasgow, the event featured 400 leading […]

The Restoration Alliance: How to bridge the finance gap between small projects and financial flows

8 Dec 2021

About GLF Climate 2021   Hosted digitally and in Glasgow alongside COP26, the GLF Climate 2021 hybrid conference made a unanimous call for ambitious, concrete action to stop the climate crisis. Attended by 4,386 digital participants from 145 countries, along with 481 in-person participants at the University of Glasgow, the event featured 400 leading scientists, activists, Indigenous leaders, financiers, youth, […]

Restore Africa: Connecting community led solutions to the carbon market

7 Dec 2021

  About GLF Climate 2021   Hosted digitally and in Glasgow alongside COP26, the GLF Climate 2021 hybrid conference made a unanimous call for ambitious, concrete action to stop the climate crisis. Attended by 4,386 digital participants from 145 countries, along with 481 in-person participants at the University of Glasgow, the event featured 400 leading scientists, activists, Indigenous leaders, financiers, […]

Increasing Local Impacts by Scalling Up Nature-Based Solutions

7 Dec 2021

  About GLF Climate 2021   Hosted digitally and in Glasgow alongside COP26, the GLF Climate 2021 hybrid conference made a unanimous call for ambitious, concrete action to stop the climate crisis. Attended by 4,386 digital participants from 145 countries, along with 481 in-person participants at the University of Glasgow, the event featured 400 leading scientists, activists, Indigenous leaders, financiers, […]

Greening Finance and Financing Green

7 Dec 2021

  About GLF Climate 2021   Hosted digitally and in Glasgow alongside COP26, the GLF Climate 2021 hybrid conference made a unanimous call for ambitious, concrete action to stop the climate crisis. Attended by 4,386 digital participants from 145 countries, along with 481 in-person participants at the University of Glasgow, the event featured 400 leading scientists, activists, Indigenous leaders, financiers, […]

Climate Finance to Secure Community Governance and Direct Financing

7 Dec 2021

About GLF Climate 2021   Hosted digitally and in Glasgow alongside COP26, the GLF Climate 2021 hybrid conference made a unanimous call for ambitious, concrete action to stop the climate crisis. Attended by 4,386 digital participants from 145 countries, along with 481 in-person participants at the University of Glasgow, the event featured 400 leading scientists, activists, Indigenous leaders, financiers, youth, […]

Carbon Credits as an Enabler of Sustainable Cooking Fuels, Reforestation and Food Production

6 Dec 2021

About GLF Climate 2021   Hosted digitally and in Glasgow alongside COP26, the GLF Climate 2021 hybrid conference made a unanimous call for ambitious, concrete action to stop the climate crisis. Attended by 4,386 digital participants from 145 countries, along with 481 in-person participants at the University of Glasgow, the event featured 400 leading scientists, activists, Indigenous leaders, financiers, youth, […]