
How to Build an Endogenous Development Model?

30 Sep 2021

Despite its indisputable status as a global asset in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss, the Amazon region remains one of the poorest places on Earth. For decades, the region’s predominant economic development paradigm centered on frequent and unsustainable exports of low added value commodities such as beef, soy, raw materials and timber. […]

Financing Solutions for Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient Value Chains

30 Sep 2021

  The Amazon solution   The Amazon is not only an important storehouse of the world’s biodiversity and CO2 but equally a home to millions of people from different countries and tribes, with various cultures and landscapes that shape their livelihoods. Investments in agriculture, mining, timber, and also livestock activities are currently causing great damage […]

What Now? How to Scale Sustainable Business, Climate Finance, Alliances and Public Policy for Regional Action

30 Sep 2021

The Amazon is truly a global asset in regulating the climate, conserving biodiversity and securing a healthy and sustainable future for all. Urgent actions by all actors in society are desperately needed to avoid the ‘point of no return’ (commonly termed the ‘tipping point’) in which the vital biome loses its ability to store carbon. […]

The Tipping Point – What Does This Mean for Life on the Planet?

24 Sep 2021

With forest conversion fast approaching the 20-25% threshold, the Amazon basin is nearing a catastrophic tipping point. Accelerated by climate change, the biome’s capacity to store carbon is rapidly diminishing; its ecosystems – currently home to 10% of the Earth’s known species and 410 ethnic groups – are firing on all cylinders to regenerate in […]

The Geopolitics of Zero Deforestation: Connecting the Demand and Supply Sides of the Story

24 Sep 2021

Consumer countries such as the EU, USA and China have begun to look at their footprint from imported deforestation. Several initiatives are being implemented or debated that address globally traded soft commodities from the Amazon, including timber, soy, beef, cocoa and coffee. These include import and other regulatory approaches, as well as a plethora of […]

Young Ecopreneurs: Moving Away from Business as Usual

15 Sep 2021

An increasing number of efforts have emerged to support the sustainable development of the Amazon basin, representing an encouraging movement of young people eager to put an end to business as usual. The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration has provided a much-needed sense of urgency to support bold actions for sustainable forest practices and land […]

The Wood Solution: The Key to Driving Large-Scale Forest Restoration

24 Jun 2021

We are at a critical crossroads in human history. We can continue on the path that has led to ecosystem degradation, climate change, biodiversity loss, food insecurity, poverty, and inequality or we can reverse those trends and create new, regenerative, inclusive, and efficient systems of living and doing business. As the population hurtles towards the […]

Scaling Finance: Restoring Africa’s Drylands through Private Investment and Local Projects

21 Jun 2021

Restoring Africa’s drylands is a major economic opportunity: every $1 invested can lead to $7-30 in economic benefits. Recognizing this opportunity, investors have committed more than $15 billion to AFR100 and the Great Green Wall through to 2030. Now, billions of those dollars need to be directly invested in entrepreneurs and community organizations with the […]

Carole Deischbourg – Accelerating Sustainable Finance Innovation to Achieve Restoration at Scale

3 Jun 2021

Join Carole Deischbourg, Luxembourg’s Minister for the Environment, for an inspirational session on the financial mechanisms needed to catalyze the innovation and acceleration of nature-based solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation. During the clip, Carole introduces the Luxembourg-GLF Finance for Nature Platform – a collaborative initiative of the Government of the Grand Duchy of […]

Carole Dieschbourg on creating the new normal

27 Nov 2020

In this plenary, Carole Dieschbourg, Minister for the Climate, Environment and Development of Luxembourg, discusses how we can ‘build back greener’, and create sustainable landscapes in which restoration and One Health are the norm.