
Financial incentives for a biodiversity-friendly future – is green recovery a catalyzer?

16 Nov 2020

  Around the world, countries are failing to crack down on the drivers of biodiversity loss. None of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets for 2020 have been met, and according to WWF’s most recent Living Planet Index, an estimated 1 million species (500,000 animals and plants and 500,000 insects) are now threatened with extinction. To turn […]

Transformative change and the age of collective action

16 Nov 2020

Years from now, historians will be discussing the reality that we are living and the tomorrow that we are defining. But what will they call this time? The age of climate denial? The age of extinction? The age of disunity, disharmony and disparity? The story doesn’t have to pan out that way. If we’re smart, […]

The Nature of Business – What can Resilient Landscapes do for you?

14 Nov 2020

HOST: Resilient Landscapes Currently, we use 40 percent of the Earth’s land surface to produce our food – a figure that will need to double if our current food and agricultural systems are to meet the population’s nutritional needs by 2050. Unless we change tack and adopt more sustainable, land-use efficient methods of production, such […]

Lessons From Indonesia: building a nature-based economy through jurisdictional approaches

14 Nov 2020

HOST: Sustainable District Association (LTKL) The Sustainable Districts Association of Indonesia (LTKL) is a collaboration forum established and managed by Indonesian district governments to promote sustainable land and resource use through collective action. The forum – comprising nine ‘Kabupaten Lestari’, or sustainable districts – supports governments with the development and implementation of jurisdiction-wide sustainability policies, […]

Transformative change – A collective call for global action

6 Nov 2020

After two days of dialogue and debate, keynote speakers closed the GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference with a discussion on the tools and transitions needed to spark transformative change. What actions are most urgently needed? How can societies make the shift from exploiting to restoring biodiversity? How can linkages between sectors promote better personal, public and […]

Aprovechar el poder de la naturaleza: financiar una bioeconomía en América Latina

6 Nov 2020

Home to approximately 40 percent of the world’s species and more than a quarter of the world’s forests, Latin America is a biodiversity powerhouse. But multiple drivers, the majority human, are exerting profound and unmitigated pressure on the region’s ecosystems and wildlife. In this session, experts build on the ‘Financing Diversity’ plenary, shedding light on […]

Harnessing the power of nature: Financing diversity – the smallholders’ perspective

6 Nov 2020

As agricultural expansion wreaks havoc through the world’s forests, longstanding supply chain inequities are preventing smallholders and rural communities from accessing the investments they need to effect sustainable change. In this plenary, experts and business leaders discuss how sustainable finance solutions can alleviate systemic imbalances in risk and market access, bring equitable and inclusive supply […]

How to promote more sustainable wood fuel value chains

4 Jul 2020

GLF Bonn 2020 How to feed the world without eating the planet? The 2020 theme of the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) is “Food and Livelihoods.” Today, food production and agricultural systems are one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions, a main driver of deforestation, and the greatest threat to biodiversity. It’s time to […]

Challenging conversation: finance and the transition to sustainable commodity production

3 Jul 2020

This session will confront big ideas for shifting commodity production to more sustainable and safer alternatives. Two experts will draw lessons from examples of UNEP’s recent work in Cote d’Ivoire and Indonesia, as well as recent analysis of the economics of sustainable coffee cultivation in Vietnam and sustainable beef production in Costa Rica. They will […]

A path to more sustainable food and commodity production

25 Jun 2020

Global studies and many commodity producers and brands agree on the need to transform food/commodity production and landscape management to more sustainable and inclusive approaches. This session at GLF Bonn 2020 will discuss opportunities and constraints around bridging gaps in policy, practice and financing for sustainable value chains. The session will introduce the GEF7-funded Food […]