
Giving voice to underrepresented groups with Augusta Senenssie – GLF Luxembourg 2019

30 Dec 2019

Augusta sits on Plan International Advisory Panel and is the Founder of Gatekeepers, an ethnographic research consultancy specialising in Indigenous communities & disparate groups. A University student passionate about how policy and advocacy are used as mediums for change, Augusta has spent the last eight years working alongside NGOs, private interests and humanitarian groups working […]

Coordinating the fight against climate change with UNEP’s Terrestrial Ecosystems Unit (TEU) Chief Musonda Mumba – GLF Luxembourg 2019

30 Dec 2019

Musonda Mumba is the new Chief of the Terrestrial Ecosystems Unit since 1 June 2018. She joined UN Environment in October 2008, as a programme officer in Climate Change Adaptation Unit based in Nairobi, requested to lead the work on the development of the Global Adaptation Network (GAN) and also develop new proposals for the […]

Barriers to inclusive sustainable finance in a landscape context

20 Dec 2019

Agriculture, forestry and other land uses are central to the implementation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs). They may also contribute up to 20% of emission reductions needed to achieve the Paris mitigation target. Notably, nearly 60% of food production is produced by smallholders (<20 ha) who are undoubtedly the most vulnerable to climate change. […]

Carbon Financing, Offsetting and Corporate Mitigation Strategies

12 Dec 2019

Faced with public pressure, regulation and increasing climate risks companies need to transition towards low carbon business models. In the absence of mature technological solutions, direct investment in forest ecosystem restoration through offsetting can provide a stopgap strategy towards medium and long-term ambitious mitigation goals. A commitment to invest in carbon capture through forest ecosystem […]

Restoration of Degraded Land for Bioenergy and Rural Livelihoods: a Promising Business Case from Indonesia

12 Dec 2019

A large portion of the population in Indonesia lacks access to electrical power, and most of this portion lives in rural areas. No access to electricity strongly limits people’s fundamental needs. Presently, diesel fuel is predominately used to generate electricity in remote areas, at high costs and hindering local communities to receive equitable and reliable […]

From Pilot to Mainstream: What is Required for Land Use Transformation at Scale?

12 Dec 2019

Sustainable models for commodity production can generate positive risk return ratios compared to business-as-usual projects. However, across the globe rates of adoption remain low. To date, much of the focus has been on commitments by private sector companies to remove deforestation from their supply chains and we have seen a proliferation of pilot projects, yet […]

How to Mobilise More Private Capital to Finance Land and Ecosystem Restoration?

12 Dec 2019

Ambitious international processes linked to ecosystem restoration and sustainable land-use are in place, as re-flected in various development agendas, declarations, and country commitments, including the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 Life on Land — particularly SDG 15.3 on Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) and the associated LDN country targets, the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, the […]

How to Measure the Positive Impact on Biodiversity of an Investment?

12 Dec 2019

How to measure the positive impact on biodiversity of an investment? Key to achieving sustainable land use is bending the curve on biodiversity. To do so, incorporation of biodiversity into the investments of the private sector are necessary. These investments need methodologies to measure their impact. Agreeing on methodolo-gies and terminology is a first step […]

Financial Perspectives on Sustainable Land Use: Which Business Models Fit and How Can We Scale them Up?

12 Dec 2019

Natural capital is key to halting the loss of biodiversity and adapting to climate change, and it will require significantly increased investment in the years to come. A number of innovative financing solutions have been developed. However, a disconnect remains: many project developers struggle to access mainstream finance to scale their business, and mainstream investors […]

Unlocking Sustainable Finance to Transform Food Systems Under a Changing Climate

12 Dec 2019

Building on the “Transforming Food Systems Under a Changing Climate” initiative, led by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, along with other key partners, a number of leading banks and investors will discuss how to move sustainable land-use financing into the mainstream.