
Towards ‘Standardising’ Environmental and Social (E&S) Impact

12 Dec 2019

This interactive ‘knowledge marketplace’ event focuses on the “why, what and how” of measuring [both negative and positive] environmental and social impact associated with capital flows to land use. Trying to create consistency in terms of what indicators are important to measure [both negative and positive] impact, how should these be monitored and reported on, […]

Opening plenary: Carole Dieschbourg – GLF Luxembourg 2019

5 Dec 2019

The Opening Plenary, including statement from Carole Dieschbourg, Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development of Luxembourg; Jennifer Pryce, President and CEO, Calvert Impact Capital; Martin Berg, Head, Environmental Funds & Climate Finance Policy Unit, European Investment Bank (EIB) and many more.

What happened at GLF Luxembourg?

2 Dec 2019

Get an inside look at what happened in Luxembourg at the Global Landscapes Forum's fourth Investment Case Symposium.

Opening plenary – GLF Luxembourg 2019

1 Dec 2019

The Opening Plenary, including statement from Carole Dieschbourg, Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development of Luxembourg; Jennifer Pryce, President and CEO, Calvert Impact Capital; Martin Berg, Head, Environmental Funds & Climate Finance Policy Unit, European Investment Bank (EIB) and many more.

Dragon’s Den (ICFA Announcements) – GLF Luxembourg 2019

1 Dec 2019

The Dragon’s Den in Luxembourg will offer the possibility to present landscape related winners of the 3rd call for application of the International Climate Finance Accelerator (ICFA). They will have the possibility to pitch their business models and investment concepts to mobilize attention of new partners and potential investors.

Closing plenary – GLF Luxembourg 2019

1 Dec 2019

The closing plenary was ended the discussions of the day around issues of mainstreaming sustainable finance and defining “the way forward”.

Mid day Plenary – GLF Luxembourg 2019

1 Dec 2019

The midday plenary leads the audience into already existing good practices of sustainable finance in the landscape that are suitable to be scaled up and replicated.

Innovating Finance to Overcome Current Barriers Towards Sustainable Landscapes

1 Dec 2019

There are significant barriers for smallholders to access finance mechanisms to fund the needed changes in their production systems towards greater sustainability and stability.

Central America: Developing a Region of Opportunities for Investments in Landscape Restoration

1 Dec 2019

The interactive session featuring the “SICA Region” (Central America and Dominican Republic, SICA = Central American Integration System) as pioneer in forest and landscape restoration that offers investment opportunities for the public and private sector on a national and regional scale.

Special Announcements – GLF Luxembourg 2019

1 Dec 2019

Special Announcements during GLF Luxembourg