
The Next Decade of REDD+: Opportunities to invest in natural forests

8 Jun 2018

The Next Decade of REDD+: Opportunities to invest in natural forests.

Sustainable Landscapes Rating Tool

8 Jun 2018

A new Sustainable Landscapes Rating Tool offers rapid and objective assessment of jurisdictional policy and enabling governance conditions to facilitate private and public sector investment in sustainable landscapes. This tool brings together diverse actors to assess and strengthen forest governance and also to support effective communication of governance conditions to potential investors outside the landscape. […]

Restoration investments in Latin America through the financial partners of Initiative 20×20

8 Jun 2018

Restoration investments in Latin America through the financial partners of Initiative 20×20.

Creating “Bonds” at the Landscape Level

4 Jun 2018

Agricultural, forestry, wetland and other land use level investments in the tropics have typically been isolated. The architecture of individual deals has been designed around their individual: financial viability, technical feasibility, social acceptability, de-risking approaches, environmental sustainability, delivery agent capacities, and the extent of guarantees. This ignores the synergies and potential risks of other projects, […]

REDD+ money for green results? What REDD+ finance needs to succeed

4 Jun 2018

Successful implementation of REDD+ depends not only on sufficient finance, but also on the right governance for transparent, accountable interaction. This session starts with an exploration of REDD+ finance flows from donor to recipient countries, identifying where they go and where not, analyzing what this means for decisions on REDD+ finance and its management, and […]

Emerging Tech Innovation Driving New Landscape Sustainability Business Models

4 Jun 2018

This discussion forum will explore emerging technology innovation driven by open source software, blockchain, and other technologies that are being combined with new business incentive models to secure sustainable and more productive landscapes. The panel will feature practitioners from innovative cross-sector organizations that are addressing land tenure, forest supply chain, and environmental degradation challenges through […]

The Many Faces of Blended Finance for Forest Landscape Restoration

4 Jun 2018

This discussion forum will challenge the myth that progress on forest landscape restoration (FLR) is in most cases being hinderedby lack of funding and of “bankable projects.”Many models existalready for funding the transformation of landscapes through forest landscape restoration, andthese examples demonstrate that differing FLR interventions require different blends of public and private funding. Insights […]

Landscape Talks – GLF Investment Case Symposium

31 May 2018

Six speakers present their talks at the GLF Investment Case Symposium, Washington D.C, May 30th.

The Private Ask

31 May 2018

In this discussion forum, the World Bank Group will ask leading practitioners from the private sector what they need from the public sector to help them deliver on their commitments to create deforestation free supply chains, restore degraded lands, and improve social outcomes. Participants in the session will include representatives from the financial services, forestry, dairy and other agricultural products.

Plenary discussion – GLF Investment Case

30 May 2018

The Plenary discussion, featuring Robert Nasi, Tony Simons, Jennifer Pryce and Michael Jennings, outlined a broad range of issues including building durable links between sustainable projects, making an innovative business case for sustainable development, supporting decision makers and effecting delivery on the ground.