
Jochen Flasbarth keynote speech at Bonn Challenge Meeting, Palembang

15 May 2017

German State Secretary Jocean Flasbarth offers a keynote speech at the 1st Bonn Challenge High-Level Roundtable Meeting in Palembang, Indonesia. He spoke of the importance of the region and the representation of so many from Asia and the world at the meeting. The Bonn Challenge initiative of the German Government to restore degraded lands and […]

Sarah Lake at GLF: Climate and supply chains

8 Dec 2016

Sarah Lake, Head of the Drivers of Deforestation Program at Global Canopy Program (GCP), speaks on the sidelines of the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF), held on 16 November 2016 in Marrakesh, Morocco. Now in its sixth installment, the Forum is undergoing a transformation, from focusing on policy advice to implementing action on the ground and […]

Linking supply chain actors to production landscapes: Monitoring progress and performance at scale to achieve more sustainable economies, GLF 2016 Marrakesh

24 Nov 2016

Using the new Trase platform (Transparency for Sustainable Economies) launched during COP22 as a springboard, this session explored the new potential to achieve full visibility in commodity supply chains, linking supply chain actors to specific geographies of production as well as allocating socio-environmental impacts in production areas to downstream supply chain actors. Trase advances radical […]

Climate, business and landscapes: Mobilizing large-scale investment for smallholder farmers, GLF 2016 Marrakesh

24 Nov 2016

Smallholder farmers play a key role in the production of agricultural crops for domestic and global markets. But, smallholders remain disenfranchised, often facing economic, financial and institutional constraints that make the adoption of more efficient practices, technologies and business models difficult. This session explored the multiple perspectives of development practitioners and financiers, including impact investors, […]

Ibrahim Thiaw – Financing restoration to close emissions gap, GLF 2016 Marrakesh

22 Nov 2016

Ibrahim Thiaw is the Deputy Executive Director for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). At the Global Landscapes Forum in Marrakesh, he made the case for increased finance for restoration to help countries fight climate change. The Discussion Forum he spoke at addressed the funding/finance gap challenge (i.e. the difference between the supply and demand […]

Unlocking private finance in forests, sustainable land use and restoration – GLF 2016 Marrakesh

22 Nov 2016

Watch this Discussion Forum from the 2016 Global Landscapes Forum: Climate Action for Sustainable Development in Marrakesh, Morocco, alongside UNFCCC COP22.

Credit Suisse endorses Global Landscapes Forum – ready to reach 1 billion

18 Nov 2016

Mark Burrows, Vice Chairman Global Investment Banking at Credit Suisse endorses the Global Landscapes Forum and its vision to introduce 1 billion people to the landscape approach. Credit Suisse supports the Forum with expertise on green finance, global financial policy and sustainable investment schemes targeting smallholders. Join our movement as we collectively aim to address […]

Kuntoro Mangkusubroto – GLF 2016 Marrakech

17 Nov 2016

Unlocking private finance in forests, sustainable land use and restoration.

Credit Suisse, CIAT and IFPRI endorse Global Landscapes Forum – ready to reach 1 billion

17 Nov 2016

Mark Burrows, Vice Chairman at Credit Suisse, IFPRI’s Director General Shenggen Fan and CIAT’s Director General Ruben Echeverria give their endorsement to the long-term future of the Global Landscapes Forum. Through scientific input, capacity-building programs, online engagement, thematic symposiums and global events, GLF aspires to introduce one billion people by 2020 to the landscape approach […]

Smallholder representative explains what’s wrong with development finance

12 Aug 2016

Zwide Jere is the Managing Director of Total LandCare, an organization working with smallholder farmers in Southern and Eastern Africa. He participated as keynote speaker at Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case 2016 in London. Transcript of Zwide Jere’s short intervention on development finance effectiveness: We need to provide access to finance, but also we […]