Paola Agostini – A financial road map to turn wastelands into vital lands
27 Dec 2018
Making the argument that FLR is doable everywhere, the talk presents a road map of why and how landscapes can be restored from wastelands to vital lands. The talk uses vivid examples, highlights innovative financial instruments, showcases cutting edge partnerships with private actors, and emphasizes the focal value of international partnerships, e.g. the Bonn Challenge. […]
Jyotsna Puri: Keynote speech at GLF Bonn 2018
20 Dec 2018
It is becoming increasingly clear that innovative financial opportunities and instruments that fund sustainable forest and land management and restoration are a key part of the sustainable landscape recipe, and particularly those that are aimed at smallholders and sustainable value chains. In this Plenary, financial experts will discuss how to shift efforts and focus away […]
Dragon Den’s GLF Investment Case, Washington DC, 2018
12 Dec 2018
Raising capital for startups can be challenging, getting the attention of investors and relevant policy makers can be frustrating and delivering a perfect elevator pitch while hitting the right notes can be time consuming. Investment ready projects in landscape management or restoration, seeking financing between $5 million – $250 million have applied to this year’s […]
How Bronner’s soap goes beyond organic to give back to the land and its people
14 Nov 2018
Discover one #soap company’s effort to go beyond #organic! This extraordinary story is setting an example for businesses & consumers around the world by focusing on a better-quality organic product. Join us in #Bonn, #Germany to hear from more inspirational stories from around the world!
Digital Summit: Engaging the Private Sector in Integrated Landscape Approaches
6 Nov 2018
Engaging the private sector is a key action area within the African Landscapes Action Plan (ALAP), which, like AFR100, contributes to the African Resilient Landscapes Initiative (ARLI). Our digital summit panelists will provide insight from both the landscape partnership convener perspective, and from the private sector already engaged in landscape management initiatives.
Financing blue carbon development
24 Jul 2018
The increasing demand of the world population to protein source from marine ecosystems in the last few decades have triggered the fast-growing industry of fisheries and aquaculture in both marine and inland waters. Consequently, overfishing is inevitable and many fishing grounds in Indonesia are steadily depleting. Combination of improved fisheries, good aquaculture practices, modernized post-harvest […]
Robert Nasi at the Opening Plenary, Blue Carbon Summit 2018
19 Jul 2018
Robert Nasi, Director General of the Center for International Forestry Research, speaks at the opening plenary, Blue Carbon Summit, 17 July 2018.
Landscape Investment and Finance Tool (LIFT)
8 Jun 2018
The talk will focus on the development and implementation of the Landscape Investment and Finance Tool (LIFT), developed by EcoAgriculture Partners and IUCN NL. LIFT is designed to support landscape partnerships to analyze their financing needs, strengthen business ideas, identify potential sources of finance available to them, and to define successful strategies to secure this […]
Delivering scalable and replicable finance in natural capital
8 Jun 2018
This talk will focus on delivering scalable and replicable finance in natural capital with a specific focus on real assets, debt and growth equity strategies at the nexus between sustainable production and environmental protection. There is a huge gap between the level of funding that is needed to protect the world’s valuable ecosystems, and actual […]
A multi-layered approach to achieving sustainable production, forest protection and social inclusion
8 Jun 2018
IDH promotes a vision of landscapes where sustainable production of agro-commodities contributes to the protection and restoration of critical ecosystems, while enhancing communities’ livelihoods. This vision can’t be achieved by relying solely on public funding. A key question that many organizations are struggling with, is how to structure landscape initiatives so that they attract new […]