
Q&A: Divestment from fossil fuels points to shift towards sustainable finance

16 Jun 2015

Peter Wheeler, Executive Vice President of The Nature Conservancy, moderated the opening session of the Global Landscape Forum on investment in London on June 10, 2015 with Leslie L. Durschinger, Managing Director of Terra Global, Mark Burrows, Vice Chairman for Global Investment Banking at Credit Suisse, Bernard Giraud who moved from Danone to become President […]

Q&A: New investment funds for sustainable landscapes

16 Jun 2015

A former vice-president at Groupe Danone, Bernard Giraud now heads Livelihoods Venture, an organisation that manages investment funds on behalf of corporations intent on making their supply chains more sustainable – all the way to the farm level.

Q&A: BNP Paribas tackling the sustainability of the companies it invests in

16 Jun 2015

Helena Viñes Fiestas, head of sustainability research at BNP Paribas Investment Partners, talks about the steps her bank is taking to investigate sourcing and land use practices in its portfolio.

Q&A: Sustainable development and economic prosperity indissociable

16 Jun 2015

James Cameron, chairman of the Overseas Development Institute, says his experience in both the investment and social and environmental development sectors has taught him that you cannot success in one without the other.

Q&A: Sustainable investment no longer a niche

16 Jun 2015

CIFOR’s director for forests and governance research, Steven Lawry, speaks on the side of the Global Landscape Forum on investment in London. He says corporate leaders have got the message that social and environmental degradation threatens their bottom line – yet much work remains to be done.

Q&A: Multiple routes to bring investment to sustainable landscapes

16 Jun 2015

David Pitt-Watson is Executive Fellow at the London Business School and Chair of the UNEP Finance Initiative. After chairing the closing session of the Global Landscapes Forum on investment in London, he says there is now potential for finance to play its essential role and take money from where it is to where it is […]

Q&A: NGOs engaging private sector on sustainable investment

16 Jun 2015

Andy White is Coordinator of the Rights and Resources Initiative, an umbrella group of 14 non-profit organisations promoting forest and land use policy reform. Speaking from the Global Landscapes Forum on investment, he says settings such as the Interlaken Group now allow NGOs to engage directly with the private sector.

WATCH: Investors look for common language at Landscapes Forum

15 Jun 2015

Originally posted on CIFOR’s Forests News, by Thomas Hubert. Investment bankers and fund managers met with agriculture and forestry researchers, representatives from advocacy groups and government agencies at the Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case event held in London on June 10. There was a sense that momentum is growing to connect the flows of […]

How to address external stressors in Payment for Ecosystem Services schemes

9 Feb 2015

CIFOR scientist Jacob Phelps explains some challenges of setting up Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes, particularly in the context of landscape-level planning. He and his co-authors argue that designing PES schemes is complicated by external stressors, such as fires, sea level rise, hurricanes and invasive species, which need to be taken into account in PES design. […]