
Closing plenary dialogue: Financing sustainable landscapes

8 Dec 2014

Watch Felipe Calderon, Raymond Landveld and Stephen Rumsey in dialogue at the closing plenary on the second day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2014, in Lima, Peru, during COP20. Moderator: Jane Feehan Natural Resources Specialist European Investment Bank Speakers: Felipe Calderon Chair Global Commission on the Economy and Climate Raymond Landveld Co-facilitator UNFCC Standing Committee […]

On ‘economy vs. environment’: How history can guide discussions today

24 Sep 2014

By Bruno Vander Velde, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) How do we balance the economy and the environment? This framework is not new, and yet decades after it first seeped into academic exchanges, researchers and policymakers alike are still wrestling with it. In fact, discussions about the links between economy and environment that came […]

Landscapes and the private sector: Q & A with Danone’s Bernard Giraud

27 Nov 2013

What does a “landscapes approach” mean to the private sector? For Bernard Giraud, Senior Sustainability Adviser at Danone, it is not merely an additional aspect of doing business, but “part of the business model” itself. “Danone bottles its water from natural water sources,” Giraud said. “So the quality of water depends on the watershed management. […]

Prof. Tony Simons: payments and rewards for environmental services

16 Nov 2013

Tony Simons, Director General of the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), discusses payments and rewards for environmental services.