
Interview with Fe Cortez – GLF Bonn 2018

27 Dec 2018

Fe Cortez is an environmental activist and founder of Menos 1 Lixo, an educational platform that advocates for responsible consumption to reduce sea litter in Brazil and beyond. In 2017, the UN Environment Programme appointed her champion of the Clean Seas campaign following five years of her work to reduce marine litter. Cortez recalls the […]

Interview with Christopher Stewart – GLF Bonn 2018

27 Dec 2018

Dr. Christopher Stewart heads the Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability function for Olam International, a global “seed-to-shelf” agricultural business with operations in 70 countries. Christopher has more than 20 years of experience in various aspects of tropical ecology, natural resource management, and sustainability in farming, forestry and processing, including 17 years in the private sector. His […]

Interview with Jefferson Hall – GLF Bonn 2018

27 Dec 2018

Jefferson Hall is a scientist researching the ecosystem services provided by tropical forests and how land use decisions can affect these forests. Jefferson works in forest ecology for the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) and is the Direcor of the Agua Salud project, which seeks to understand and quantify the ecological, social, and economic services […]

Jyotsna Puri: Keynote speech at GLF Bonn 2018

20 Dec 2018

It is becoming increasingly clear that innovative financial opportunities and instruments that fund sustainable forest and land management and restoration are a key part of the sustainable landscape recipe, and particularly those that are aimed at smallholders and sustainable value chains. In this Plenary, financial experts will discuss how to shift efforts and focus away […]

GLF Charter Members

19 Dec 2018

Charter member of Global Landscapes Forum

Gita Syahrani – Landscape Talks GLF Bonn 2018

18 Dec 2018

Research have pointed that to date – there is no incentives for politically elected leaders to push for sustainability on their jurisdiction. The talk will explore the current process of defining success and connecting available incentives from public finance, market actors and charity through Jurisdictional Approach (JA) to support committed jurisdictional leaders in Indonesia to better implement Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), reduce emission and practice Open Government. The aim is also to pinpoint key building blocks, opportunities, challenges in ‘herding the sustainable investment cats’.

Felipe Villela – Landscape Talks GLF Bonn 2018

17 Dec 2018

I will address the Intelligence of Nature’s Design process and how we can use it within businesses to impact the world positively while generating profit. You should all be excited because I will inspire you to see that you can make more money from growing your raw materials from the forest than deforesting. I will bring clear inspiring examples of how plants cooperate between each other and how we can use that knowledge to redefine our businesses models to a more nature inclusive one.