
Summary and Closing Statement – Blue carbon Summit

24 Jul 2018

Closing Statement of the Blue carbon Summit.

Coastal blue carbon (mangroves) and climate change

24 Jul 2018

Mangroves are among the most carbon-rich forests in the tropics and support numerous ecosystem services for coastal communities. These forests form an important part of the carbon stored in coastal ecosystems, called “coastal blue carbon.” They could play a significant role in reducing emissions, while also supporting biodiversity conservation, fisheries habitat protection and disaster risk […]

Coastal blue carbon (seagrass) and climate change

24 Jul 2018

Despite Indonesia being recognized as having seagrass ecosystems with some of the greatest diversity in the world, the sustainability and management of these ecosystems receive relatively little attention. Many critical and significant roles of seagrass such as carbon sequestration and storage, the stabilization of sustainable artisanal fisheries and other services need to be explored further. […]

Institution and governance system for blue carbon

24 Jul 2018

Governance of blue carbon could produce new and challenging ventures for many countries, including Indonesia. Because of the vast resources involved and the complex governance system required, blue carbon governance requires special attention to optimize the sustainability of the goods and services provided by the resources. Laws will be of global and national importance and […]

Financing blue carbon development

24 Jul 2018

The increasing demand of the world population to protein source from marine ecosystems in the last few decades have triggered the fast-growing industry of fisheries and aquaculture in both marine and inland waters. Consequently, overfishing is inevitable and many fishing grounds in Indonesia are steadily depleting. Combination of improved fisheries, good aquaculture practices, modernized post-harvest […]