GLF Digital Summit #5 ” What is the Landscape Approach?”
18 Dec 2017
This is the uncut recording from our fifth GLF Digital Summit: “What is the Landscape Approach?” In this Digital Summit, we explore how to define a landscape approach; how to best apply the approach in practice; and what is the appropriate spatial scale for implementation and analysis…. Background and speakers in this blogpost: http://events.globallandscapesforum.o…
Niger’s Success Story on Restoration – English version
18 Oct 2017
As part of the AFR100 Annual Partnership Meeting in Niamey, Niger, all participants went on a field trip, visiting two villa...
Keynote: “Love, reason and power” needed to deliver sustainable landscapes
17 Oct 2017
In his keynote address to the Global Landscape Forum on investment in London, James Cameron, Chairman of the Overseas Development Institute and an investor in sustainable farming in Tanzania himself, said the facts – “reason” – were not enough to achieve transformative change in land use. Language that resonates with all stakholders – “love” – […]
AFR100 – Entretien avec les représentants du Cameroun et de Madagascar
12 Oct 2017
Entretiens avec les représentants AFR100 du Cameroun, Christophe Bring et Anicet Nomin, et de Madagascar, Julien Noël Rakotoarisoa. Ces entretiens ont été réalisés pendant la Conférence Annuelle des partenaires AFR100 à Niamey, au Niger, en septembre 2017.
AFR100 – 2nd Conférence Annuelle (temps forts)
12 Oct 2017
La Seconde Conférence Annuelle des Partenaires AFR100 a eu lieu à Niamey, au Niger, du 26 au 28 septembre 2017.
Le succès d’une Restauration au Niger
12 Oct 2017
Dans le cadre de la Seconde Conférence Annuelle des Partenaires AFR100 à Niamey, au Niger, tous les participants sont allés visiter deux villages au Niger pour rencontrer des communautés locales et entendre leur point de vue sur la réussite du programme de restauration au Niger.
VIDEO: Global Landscapes Forum – A ‘wider view’ on our planet’s most pressing issues
11 Oct 2017
How can we feed a growing population without clearing the world’s remaining forests to make way for new farmland? How can we stem the tide of climate change? How can we do these things sustainably while ensuring the inclusion of women, local communities and indigenous people? How can a “landscapes approach” help address these issues? […]
A short guide to the “landscape approach”
11 Oct 2017
Summary: Terry Sunderland, a scientist with the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) explains what a “landscape approach” is — why we need one and what scientists, NGOs and policymakers need to do to start implementing it.
Global Landscapes Forum video – Youth: The Future of Sustainable Landscapes
11 Oct 2017
Recorded live at the Youth: The Future of Sustainable Landscapes session held at the Global Landscapes Forum on November 16, 2013 in Warsaw. These speeches and discussions had the goal of bringing together youth and those working with youth in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, conservation, development, industry and/or climate change to highlight issues and possible solutions in […]