Harrison Karnwea: How Liberia fights climate change by planting trees – GLF 2016 Marrakesh
17 Nov 2016
Harrison Karnwea, Managing Director of Liberia’s Forest Development Authority, talks about how his country is protecting itself against desertification and environmental change by restoring landscapes – before it is too late. There is now broad recognition of the potential impact of landscape restoration on both mitigation (e.g. on vegetation cover and soil carbon sequestration) and […]
Where the rubber hits the road for achieving climate goals – GLF 2016 Marrakesh
17 Nov 2016
The Discussion Forum addresses, based on CIFOR research in interaction with partners, the challenges and opportunities presented by the full participation of non-state (e.g. private sector) and subnational government actors in efforts to address climate change on the ground. The presentations are based on comparative research on multilevel challenges conducted in 54 sites of land […]
Panel discussion: Non-state actors and the new climate goals – GLF 2016 Marrakesh
17 Nov 2016
The Discussion Forum addresses, based on CIFOR research in interaction with partners, the challenges and opportunities presented by the full participation of non-state (e.g. private sector) and subnational government actors in efforts to address climate change on the ground. The presentations are based on comparative research on multilevel challenges conducted in 54 sites of land […]
Kuntoro Mangkusubroto – GLF 2016 Marrakech
17 Nov 2016
Unlocking private finance in forests, sustainable land use and restoration.
Peter Holmgren – Closing Keynote GLF 2016 Marrakesh
17 Nov 2016
CIFOR’s DG Peter Holmgren outlines his vision for the Forum and plans to reach 1 billion people with the positive message of the landscape approach. The closing plenary featured representatives from the Global Landscapes Forum’s founding and coordinating partners to share and discuss their visions and expectations for the future of the Forum over the […]
Natalia Cisneros – Closing Keynote GLF 2016 Marrakesh
17 Nov 2016
Natalia Cisneros represents the Youth in Landscapes Initiative, a movement connecting tens of thousands of students and young professionals passionate about making a difference in agriculture, forestry and other land use sectors. The closing plenary featured representatives from the Global Landscapes Forum’s founding and coordinating partners to share and discuss their visions and expectations for […]
Julia Bucknall: Commitments and ideas for regreening Africa’s drylands – GLF 2016 Marrakesh
17 Nov 2016
Julia Bucknall, Acting Senior Director for Environment and Natural Resources at the World Bank, highlights major developments, commitments and perspectives for concrete action to address landscape restoration challenges in African drylands, one year after the Paris climate agreement has been forged.
Credit Suisse, CIAT and IFPRI endorse Global Landscapes Forum – ready to reach 1 billion
17 Nov 2016
Mark Burrows, Vice Chairman at Credit Suisse, IFPRI’s Director General Shenggen Fan and CIAT’s Director General Ruben Echeverria give their endorsement to the long-term future of the Global Landscapes Forum. Through scientific input, capacity-building programs, online engagement, thematic symposiums and global events, GLF aspires to introduce one billion people by 2020 to the landscape approach […]
Peter Holmgren – Opening Keynote GLF 2016
16 Nov 2016
The opening plenary of the 2016 Global Landscapes Forum in Marrakesh will bring together leaders from policy, research, civil society and grassroots activism to share their visions for realizing climate solutions – utilizing the landscape approach and identifying key next steps to achieving tangible, implementable action. Speakers will share their hopes for the event and […]
Talking gender before COP22
10 Nov 2016
CIFOR scientists discuss the main issues related to gender and climate change in the lead-up to COP22 in Marrakesh. Are women considered in climate policy? How is gender understood in global climate commitments? CIFOR will be talking gender in Marrakesh at a number of events, including the Global Landscapes Forum on 16 November.