
The South Sumatra Eco-Region Alliance: A partnership for change

8 Dec 2015

A public–private partnership in Indonesia will announce a major effort to protect the country’s peatlands—under threat from commercial agriculture, including activities behind this year’s forest fires—from destruction. Participants include climate officials from Indonesia’s national government, the Governor of South Sumatra, and the representative of a paper company operating in Indonesia.

Launch of The Indonesian National Carbon Accounting System (INCAS) GLF 2015

8 Dec 2015

Watch the launch of Indonesia’s national carbon accounting system (INCAS) on the first day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. Indonesia has set itself an ambitious target: lowering its greenhouse gas emissions by 41% by 2020. Now it has the powerful tool needed to keep track of its progress. High-level […]

Water: Shared – 125 cities and regions act for clean water from forests in Latin America

8 Dec 2015

Local authorities from Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru and Colombia will announce the launch of an initiative by more than 125 municipal and regional governments across the Andes to protect their upstream water sources by conserving their forests. Funded by a dozen public and private sources, including the European Union, Swiss Re, DFID and more than a […]

The Nakau Programme – Western Pacific Islands Regional Payments for Ecosystem Services Programme

8 Dec 2015

Regional Pacific NGO Live & Learn will announce the commercial launch of a rainforest protection initiative designed to lead to reduced greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation that pays rural landowners to care for their forests. Speakers include indigenous participants and the representative of a Swedish business that helps companies offset their emissions through the initiative. […]

Te Mau Aroha Closing Performance GLF 2015

8 Dec 2015

Watch the Te Mau Aroha group from New Zealand perform at the high-level closing plenary session from the second day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21.

2015 Global Landscapes Forum: Paul Delduc – Closing Keynote

7 Dec 2015

Director General of Planning, Housing and Nature at the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, Paul Delduc, speaks at the high-level closing plenary session from the second day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. The closing ceremony takes a closer look at some of the initiatives that emerged […]

Taking stock of REDD+: Past, present and future GLF 2015

7 Dec 2015

Watch this Discussion Forum on the second day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. Underway for almost a decade, REDD+ still has not yet reached the potential originally envisioned. This notwithstanding, it remains a leading policy and technical option for mitigating climate change within and beyond the forest sector. Building […]

2015 Global Landscapes Forum: Peter Holmgren – Closing Keynote

7 Dec 2015

Director General for the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Peter Holmgren, speaks on behalf of the Forum organizers at the high-level closing plenary session from the second day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. The closing ceremony takes a closer look at some of the initiatives that emerged through […]

2015 Global Landscapes Forum: Mark Burrows – Closing Keynote

7 Dec 2015

Managing Director and Vice Chairman of Global Investment Banking at Credit Suisse, Mark Burrows, speaks at the high-level closing plenary session from the second day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. The closing ceremony takes a closer look at some of the initiatives that emerged through the Forum and offers […]

2015 Global Landscapes Forum: Luis Felipe Arauz Cavallini – Closing Keynote

7 Dec 2015

Costa Rican Minister of Agriculture, Luis Felipe Arauz Cavallini, speaks at the high-level closing plenary session from the second day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. The closing ceremony takes a closer look at some of the initiatives that emerged through the Forum and offers a space for tracking progress […]