
Indigenous Peoples’ rights and land tenure GLF 2015

5 Dec 2015

Watch this Discussion Forum on the first day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. The respect and recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ rights, customary land tenure and traditional knowledge have significantly contributed to more sustainable use and management of various ecosystems. Speakers at the session represent both Indigenous Peoples’ organizations and […]

2015 Global Landscapes Forum: Industrial agriculture, ape conservation and climate change

5 Dec 2015

Watch this Discussion Forum on the first day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. The recent rush towards sustainable palm oil and commitments to zero-deforestation by major corporations may be driven by public pressure and political expediency – but what are the realities of transforming the industry that produces one […]

2015 Global Landscapes Forum: Ariane de Rothschild – Opening Keynote

5 Dec 2015

Chair of the Executive Committee of the Edmond de Rothschild Group, Ariane de Rothschild, speaks at the high-level opening plenary session from the first day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. The session explores the investments into sustainable landscapes that countries and private actors have already committed to – as […]

High-level Opening Plenary – Full version GLF 2015

5 Dec 2015

Watch the high-level opening plenary session from the first day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015 in Paris, France, alongside COP21. The session explores the investments into sustainable landscapes that countries and private actors have already committed to – as well as the areas in which we need to scale up efforts. Panelists discuss the […]

Ahead of Global Landscapes Forum: Experts discuss community rights to resources in Indonesia

1 Dec 2015

Originally posted at CIFOR’s Forests News When Indonesian President Joko Widodo took office in 2014, he made a commitment to strengthen the rights of local communities over land and forest resources. Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry has since announced that 12.7 million hectares of forestland will be transferred to local communities by 2019. This […]

WATCH: Global Landscapes Forum video invite

18 Nov 2015

The coordinating partners of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015 invite you to join them and find out why it’s all connected. Watch Watch Achim Steiner, Helen Clark, Mark Burrows, Paula Caballero, Andrew Steer, Jeremy Bird, Peter Holmgren and Debora Bossio.   Video invites from implementing partners: the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V., World Agroforestry […]

Beyond the blaze: What next for Indonesia’s forests?

16 Nov 2015

More than 100,000 fires ravaged the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan throughout September and October 2015, producing a noxious haze that affected tens of thousands of people. Seasonal rains began in November, but 2015/16 are El Nino years, so the threat of new fires is far from over. The problem is complex but it can […]

CIFOR scientists on the fire and haze crisis in Indonesia

30 Oct 2015

In Indonesia’s Central Kalimantan province, the peat areas are burning and emitting a toxic smoke causing untold damage to the environment, wildlife and human health. Most of the fires in Central Kalimantan are blazing in former peatland forests, which have been drained, cleared and burned for oil palm and agriculture, large and small. The dried-out […]

‘Our land’ – 1st prize competition winner show how forests secure our lives

20 Oct 2015

The Think Forests video competition organized by CIFOR has announced its winners: 1st Prize: In ‘Our Land’, Amin Panji Wijaya and team show us how forests secure our lives and that it’s not too late to repay them. Our land ‘Farming is our way to interact with God, people and nature’ By: Amin Panji Wijaya, […]

profile shot peter holmgren - Measuring Progress

CIFOR’s DG Peter Holmgren on: A Sustainable Development Goal on Landscapes – Setting the agenda at COP19 in Warsaw

11 Oct 2015

Original post by Peter Holmgren. The year 2015 is key for the future of our growing population on this planet. With the Kyoto-protocol coming to an end by 2020, world leaders will be meeting next month in Warsaw to continue work on a new climate change agreement that applies to both developed and developing countries. […]