
GLF speaker and French Minister Ségolène Royal introduces COP21

29 Sep 2015

Ségolène Royal is Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy of France and is confirmed as high-level speaker at the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum.

Awarded success: In Mexico, 1500 smallholders build their sustainable landscape

12 Aug 2015

The Amanalco Valle Bravo Basin in central Mexico provides vital water and forest resources to millions of people. But recently the land has suffered due to population pressures and unplanned development. CCMSS has built the capacity of 1,500 families of smallholder farmers for sustainable agriculture and forestry management over 15,200 hectares. They also are piloting […]

WATCH NOW: Introducing the Nourishing Millions project

17 Jul 2015

IFPRI Senior Research Fellow, Stuart Gillespie discusses the Nourishing Millions project. Call for nominations IFPRI is pleased to invite you to nominate nutrition success stories for a new initiative on “Nourishing Millions: Stories of Change in Nutrition. This video was originally posted by IFPRI, as part of the “Nourishing Millions: Stories of Change in Nutrition“ […]

The Ground Beneath Your Feet: Climate-smart Landscapes in Tanzania

12 Jul 2015

Originally posted on CIAT News. The second photo-film of a two-part series, “The Ground Beneath Your Feet,” was launched during the 2015 Global Soil Week, where CIAT was highlighting the importance of soil, debating the latest science and technology as well as methods for preserving this vital natural resource. In Lushoto, Tanzania, a cluster of CCAFS climate-smart villages nestle in the stunning Eastern Arc […]

VIDEO WRAP: Investment and land use experts look for common language at Landscapes Forum

16 Jun 2015

Investment bankers and fund managers met with agriculture and forestry researchers, representatives from advocacy groups and government agencies at the Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case event held in London on June 10. There was a sense that momentum is growing to connect the flows of available capital with the needs of local communities, businesses […]

Q&A: Divestment from fossil fuels points to shift towards sustainable finance

16 Jun 2015

Peter Wheeler, Executive Vice President of The Nature Conservancy, moderated the opening session of the Global Landscape Forum on investment in London on June 10, 2015 with Leslie L. Durschinger, Managing Director of Terra Global, Mark Burrows, Vice Chairman for Global Investment Banking at Credit Suisse, Bernard Giraud who moved from Danone to become President […]

Q&A: New investment funds for sustainable landscapes

16 Jun 2015

A former vice-president at Groupe Danone, Bernard Giraud now heads Livelihoods Venture, an organisation that manages investment funds on behalf of corporations intent on making their supply chains more sustainable – all the way to the farm level.

Q&A: BNP Paribas tackling the sustainability of the companies it invests in

16 Jun 2015

Helena Viñes Fiestas, head of sustainability research at BNP Paribas Investment Partners, talks about the steps her bank is taking to investigate sourcing and land use practices in its portfolio.

Q&A: Sustainable development and economic prosperity indissociable

16 Jun 2015

James Cameron, chairman of the Overseas Development Institute, says his experience in both the investment and social and environmental development sectors has taught him that you cannot success in one without the other.

Q&A: Sustainable investment no longer a niche

16 Jun 2015

CIFOR’s director for forests and governance research, Steven Lawry, speaks on the side of the Global Landscape Forum on investment in London. He says corporate leaders have got the message that social and environmental degradation threatens their bottom line – yet much work remains to be done.