
Pitchers, dragons and the landscape – Ashwin Ravikumar on his GLF Youth Session experience

11 Feb 2015

CIFOR postdoctoral fellow Ashwin Ravikumar on the the importance of engaging young people at the Global Landscapes Forum: “The amount of learning that just happened in that room, not just by young people but also by older professionals was amazing.”

How to address external stressors in Payment for Ecosystem Services schemes

9 Feb 2015

CIFOR scientist Jacob Phelps explains some challenges of setting up Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes, particularly in the context of landscape-level planning. He and his co-authors argue that designing PES schemes is complicated by external stressors, such as fires, sea level rise, hurricanes and invasive species, which need to be taken into account in PES design. […]

Green wonder in Ethiopia, new hope for highlands

6 Jan 2015

The video shows key aspects discussed during the Discussion Forum on Building a Global Alliance for Resilience, organized by the World Bank and TerrAfrica at the 2014 Global Landscapes Forum. The video has also been presented during the December 6 Opening Plenary, where World Bank Vice President and Special Envoy for Climate Change, Rachel Kyte, […]

Land tenure in forests a matter of food security, experts contend

30 Dec 2014

By Barbara Fraser, originally published at Forests News Forests are an important link in the food chain, especially for women and children and others at high risk of hunger and malnutrition, early results from ongoing research shows. But land rights are a crucial enabling factor in the food security of forest people, experts say. “Forests and trees […]

Will climate-smart agriculture help realize REDD+?

30 Dec 2014

Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) aims to achieve both mitigation and adaptation goals. So far CSA has been an exercise that is focused on agriculture technologies, with the underlying assumption that higher yields take pressure of forests. However, this cannot be taken for granted and deserves a closer look from science, policy and investment perspectives. If implemented […]

How indigenous peoples use landscapes approaches to conserve forests

30 Dec 2014

Studies have confirmed shifting cultivation still plays an important role in providing livelihood and food security in many communities. It is the pivot around which annual work and ritual cycles revolve and thus an intricate part of their life and closely tied to their cultural identity. The case studies also showed that indigenous women perform […]

Forest economics: A synthesis of valuation studies in Zambia, Tanzania and Panama

30 Dec 2014

Governments can make better decisions if they are more aware how forest ecosystems contribute to their economy and employment, and how forests benefit human well-being. This information could provide all concerned ministries with the necessary knowledge to decide how tropical deforestation rates can be reduced as part of a transition to a green economy. This […]