
Watch: The landscape approach in climate change mitigation and adaptation

11 Nov 2014

A landscapes approach is ideal when it comes to integrating measures of both climate change adaptation and mitigation. This is one of the key take-aways from a video discussion between two Scientists at the Center for International Forestry Research: Terry Sunderland, Principal Scientist with CIFOR’s Forests and Livelihoods program, and Giacomo Fedele, one of CIFOR’s […]

Chinese tree-planting efforts and its timber demand important factors in global carbon balance: scientist

10 Nov 2014

Louis Putzel, Senior Scientist for CIFOR’s Forest and Environment program, speaks about the importance of Chinese domestic and international forest policy for the UNFCCC climate negotiations at COP20 in Lima, Peru.  In this two-part interview, Putzel explains how China’s own forest conservation measures have led to increasing imports of tropical timber, including from Peru. As […]

Watch: It all starts with the forest – and comes down to the farmer

6 Nov 2014

It is a question of putting life into something. Giving agriculture an honourable image, a proud image, something to be proud of, something that you can go to sleep thinking that you have done something good. Kamal Melvani It is difficult not be enchanted by Kamal Melvani’s positive energy. When she says “it is possible”, looking […]

Safeguards research gauges local participation, views of early-stage REDD+ initiatives

3 Nov 2014

By Martha Cuba, originally posted on CIFOR’s Forests Blog Preliminary research shows somewhat limited village-level participation in early-stage efforts at curbing emissions through avoided tropical deforestation, according to scientists presenting at a recent conference. The findings from Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) initiatives in six countries relate to REDD+ safeguards, which were created to mitigate […]

hands present vegetable - Measuring Progress

Open data’s contribution to better research for development: The example of RTBMap

21 Oct 2014

Originally published at CIAT blogs RTBMaps is a flagship online atlas developed by the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB) that provides all sorts of geographic information on RTB crops worldwide for the benefit of the research and development community. RTBMaps just received the ComputerWorld 2014 Data+ Editors’ Choice Award for its innovative use of big data […]

Aligning water management with Sustainable Development Goals

21 Oct 2014

Originally published at CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems To achieve the UN’s Sustainable Management Goals (SDGs) to reduce hunger and poverty, a more efficient and equitable use of water resources is key. International Water Management Institute (IWMI) just published On target for people and planet; setting and achieving water-related sustainable development goals to help shapenew policies and […]

James Reed on Integrated Landscape Approaches

14 Oct 2014

  The ‘Integrated Landscape Approach’ provides a basic framework for balancing competing demands and integrating policies for multiple land uses within a given area. However, attempts to formalize and characterize what the landscape approach actually represents have resulted in a plethora of interlinked terminology and re-invention of ideas and practices under multiple guises. The current […]

Watch: turning a discussion into a landscape

29 Sep 2014

This video features “the landscape approach to minute taking” of the high level discussion on integrated landscapes approaches for agriculture and forestry at the CGIAR Development Dialogues. It distilled the discussions into a colourful mind map in a 90 second timelapse video. The discussion was facilitated by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). Speakers at this […]

Video: Thought leaders challenged at Climate Week NYC

26 Sep 2014

To foster new thinking, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the Earth Institute of Columbia University issued a challenge to six thought leaders on climate: Tell us your big ideas on how to change the future by challenging the present. The Colloquium on Forests and Climate: New Thinking for Transformational Change was part of New York’s Climate Week […]

On ‘economy vs. environment’: How history can guide discussions today

24 Sep 2014

By Bruno Vander Velde, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) How do we balance the economy and the environment? This framework is not new, and yet decades after it first seeped into academic exchanges, researchers and policymakers alike are still wrestling with it. In fact, discussions about the links between economy and environment that came […]