
TEDx Nairobi – Virgilio Viana: Revaluing Ecosystems

13 Jan 2014

Virgilio Viana holds a PhD in Evolutionary Biology from Harvard University, and has conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Florida. He organized the discussion which led to the creation of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) in 1993. He was founder and president at IMAFLORA, the first forest certification organization in Latin America.  

TEDx Nairobi – Achim Steiner: The future we want

13 Jan 2014

Achim Steiner, Executive Director of UNEP, talks about his personal journey from growing up on a farm in Brazil to studying development economics and later learning about the complex connections between people and the planet, ecology and economy. He draws on examples from large dam construction projects to free pollination services delivered by bees to […]

Five videos capturing the landscapes discussion 2013

30 Dec 2013

Click here to view more videos on landscapes approaches What are landscapes approaches – and how do they work in practice?   How do landscapes approaches relate to climate change and the current UNFCCC negotiations?   What is the value of landscapes approaches for development and the post-2015 Development Agenda?   What role does the […]

Reaching the radio men: From climate information to resilience in rural Asia

26 Dec 2013

Across Asia, young people in rural areas are less likely to receive communication on climate change than their urban counterparts. This fact might not seem surprising; after all they’re also less likely to have access to the electricity necessary to power a television. But communication can amplify the voices and actions of innovators in rural […]

Video wrap-up: Global Landscapes Forum 2013

2 Dec 2013

The Global Landscapes Forum took place 16-17 November 2013 on the sidelines of the UNFCCC COP19 in Warsaw. This highlight video features high-level speakers, including Lindiwe Sibanda (FANRPAN), His Royal Highness Prince Seeiso Bereng Seeiso (Kingdom of Lethoso), Rachel Kyte (World Bank), Peter Holmgren (CIFOR), Heru Prasetyo (Government of Indonesia), Andrew Steer (WRI), Sara J. […]

Landscapes and the private sector: Q & A with Danone’s Bernard Giraud

27 Nov 2013

What does a “landscapes approach” mean to the private sector? For Bernard Giraud, Senior Sustainability Adviser at Danone, it is not merely an additional aspect of doing business, but “part of the business model” itself. “Danone bottles its water from natural water sources,” Giraud said. “So the quality of water depends on the watershed management. […]

‘Climate-warrior’ urges collective action for farmers now

25 Nov 2013

Rachel Kyte from the World Bank took the stage at the Global Landscapes Forum opening plenary with one important message: that agriculture and forestry can work together for sustainable and resilient development. Getting the farm and forestry communities together under the same roof in the midst of the climate negotiations was a first time achivement. […]

Global Landscapes Forum Livestreaming video archive

21 Nov 2013

Watch these live recordings of the Global Landscapes Forum in Warsaw on 16-17 November 2013. This playlist features plenaries from both days and a selection of technical sessions and discussion forums. Day 1 | Nov 16 Opening Plenary Youth: The Future of Sustainable Landscapes Managing landscapes for food, fuel, fiber and forests Towards a sustainable […]

Andrew Steer (WRI) on starting the “landscapes movement”

20 Nov 2013

Dr Andrew Steer – President and CEO, World Resources Institute – talks about how to start a “landscapes movement” to solve the 21st Century’s biggest problems.

IISD Video: Warsaw Climate Conference Special Days: Global Landscapes Forum

20 Nov 2013

IISD Reports: Peter Holmgren, Director General, Centre for International Forest Research (CIFOR), explained that the Global Landscapes Forum is a logical outgrowth of the idea that agriculture, ecosystems and human livelihoods are all deeply interrelated. He noted that policymaking today is increasingly evidence-based, and that it would be important for researchers to become more relevant […]