
16 Women Restoring the Earth 2023 trailer

8 Mar 2023

    As humanity lurches from one crisis to another, women worldwide are building solutions to one of the gravest threats of all: climate change. For International Women’s Day (IWD), observed on 8 March 2023, the Global Landscapes Forum is honoring 16 Women Restoring the Earth on the frontline of the climate and biodiversity crises. […]

How small-scale farmers are helping companies offset emissions

20 Feb 2023

Connecting corporations with smallholders By buying carbon credits, you stimulate farmers to remove carbon from the atmosphere by applying regenerative farming practices. Farmers receive financial and technical support to start carbon farming. Rabobank issues carbon credits and connect farmers with buyers to sell the carbon credits they generate through their platform. By adopting regenerative practices, farmers […]

farmer carbon credits

Climate solutions in action: ACORN platform enables farmers to capture and trade carbon emissions

20 Feb 2023

The ACORN approach   Acorn (Agroforestry CRUs for the Organic Restoration of Nature) is a Rabobank initiative. Its aim is to increase the accessibility of the international carbon market for smallholder farmers in the developing world. By utilizing its unique position and strong connections in the food and agri-sector, Rabobank is activating change by encouraging […]

carbon accounting

Introduction to carbon accounting & certification

20 Feb 2023

Carbon Finance Learning Track 2   The Carbon Finance Learning Program is a series of webinars that gathers inputs from carbon finance experts, while also providing insights through real-life case studies. Learning track 2 on carbon finance targets economic actors, local project developers, and young professionals/students, and seeks to increase understanding of key carbon finance […]

climate finance

Introduction to climate and carbon finance

20 Feb 2023

Carbon Finance Learning Track 1   The Carbon Finance Learning Program is a series of webinars that gathers inputs from carbon finance experts, while also providing insights through real-life case studies. Learning track 1 on carbon finance targets economic actors, local project developers, and young professionals/students, and seeks to increase understanding of key carbon finance […]

What is the Rimba Collective

15 Feb 2023

About the Rimba Collective   Rimba Collective is an initiative led by buyers and processors of palm oil to collectively support long-term, sustainable conservation, and restoration of forests. It aims to provide US$1 billion to protect or restore 500,000 hectares of forest, supporting 32,000 individuals in forest communities in Southeast Asia over 30 years, starting […]

seed capital

The Restoration Seed Capital Facility

15 Feb 2023

Making investments in forest landscape restoration happen   The Restoration Seed Capital Facility supports the early-stage development of forest restoration projects in developing countries, contributing to climate adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity, and sustainable livelihoods.   Supported by Germany and Luxembourg and implemented by UNEP and the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, the Restoration Seed Capital […]

Toward healthier places of work in climate-stressed environments

9 Feb 2023

Media seminar: Working away at climate change    In preparation for COP27, and in a time in which fact-based reporting must serve as a cornerstone of climate action, the Global Landscapes Forum and Pulitzer Center have prepared a two-day free online seminar Working away at climate change for English-speaking journalists to better examine climate change […]

Agile reporting on labor migrations

9 Feb 2023

Media seminar: Working away at climate change    In preparation for COP27, and in a time in which fact-based reporting must serve as a cornerstone of climate action, the Global Landscapes Forum and Pulitzer Center have prepared a two-day free online seminar Working away at climate change for English-speaking journalists to better examine climate change […]

Biodiversity Finance Digital Forum

9 Feb 2023

Biodiversity Finance Digital Forum    On 29 November 2022 the Luxembourg–GLF Finance for Nature platform explored ways to support local action for nature-based solutions, conservation and ecosystem restoration through appropriate financing mechanisms and incentives. Ahead of the CBD COP15, the Biodiversity Finance Digital Forum dives into some of the major challenges facing the world of finance […]