
360 Degree Approach to Improving Capacity of Multiple Stakeholders to Manage Peatland Sustainably: Lessons learned from Indonesia

18 Jun 2024

  About GLF Peatlands 2024   Peatlands cover 3-4% of Earth’s land but store a third of global soil carbon. Despite their importance, 12% are degraded, contributing 4% of human-induced emissions. Degradation, driven by agriculture and forestry, causes environmental and social issues like fires and economic damage. Managing peatlands effectively requires collaboration across sectors. The Global Landscapes […]

The Climate Solution We Forgot: Unlocking the Power of Peatlands

18 Jun 2024

  About GLF Peatlands 2024   Peatlands cover 3-4% of Earth’s land but store a third of global soil carbon. Despite their importance, 12% are degraded, contributing 4% of human-induced emissions. Degradation, driven by agriculture and forestry, causes environmental and social issues like fires and economic damage. Managing peatlands effectively requires collaboration across sectors. The […]

Biodiverse Landscapes – A Landscape Approach for Biodiversity

29 Feb 2024

  How can landscape approaches tackle biodiversity loss?   Learn about the vital role of biodiversity and its impact on environments and societies. Discover landscape approaches, a holistic method addressing biodiversity loss by integrating conservation, production, and consumption. Learn how these approaches balance economic priorities with environmental sustainability and provide insights into social and ecological […]

The Ecology of Agriculture

29 Feb 2024

  Can biodiversity revolutionize agroecosystems for resilience?   Discover how agroecosystems rely on biodiversity at genetic, species, and ecosystem levels for essential services like soil structure, nutrient cycling, and pollination. Uncover the resilience these systems gain from biodiversity, making them more robust against disturbances. The video calls for a return to biodiverse and sustainable agricultural […]

Biodiversity Friendly Approaches

29 Feb 2024

  What is biodiversity-friendly agriculture and how can it transform our economies?   Explore how biodiversity-friendly practices in agriculture sustain economies, societies, and the environment. Learn about indigenous crops, agroecology, and agroforestry, enhancing livelihoods and biodiversity. Discover the need for integration from policy to practice for transformative change.   About Blended Learning for Biodiversity in […]

Synergies: Agriculture and Biodiversity

29 Feb 2024

  How does biodiversity impact agriculture, and vice versa?   Explore the vital link between biodiversity and agriculture, revealing how they impact each other. Learn about the threats of industrial agriculture to biodiversity and how it jeopardizes sustainable farming and livelihoods. The video advocates for diversified agricultural landscapes, showcasing global examples of sustainable practices. Discover […]

GLF Turns 10: From A Conference To A Global Movement

30 Jan 2024

In November 2013, a handful of organizations held a small conference at the University of Warsaw alongside COP19 to revisit the Landscape Approach, a 200-year-old geographical concept. A decade later, the Global Landscape Forum (GLF), supported by the German Ministry of Development (BMZ) and the Ministry of Environment (BMUV), has transformed into a global movement […]

Between the Rains: Q&A with the Filmmakers

11 Dec 2023

About GLF Nairobi 2023: ‘A new Vision for Earth’   The GLF Nairobi 2023 Hybrid Conference, held on October 11 and 12, convened global thought leaders to set the stage for COP28, the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference. This pivotal event mobilised action on critical issues affecting humanity, biodiversity, and our planet. The conference featured two focused days: Day […]

Film Festival Q&A: The Seeds of Vandana Shiva

11 Dec 2023

About GLF Nairobi 2023: ‘A new Vision for Earth’   The GLF Nairobi 2023 Hybrid Conference, held on October 11 and 12, convened global thought leaders to set the stage for COP28, the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference. This pivotal event mobilised action on critical issues affecting humanity, biodiversity, and our planet. The conference featured two focused days: Day […]

Film Festival Q&A: The Letter, A Message for Our Earth

11 Dec 2023

About GLF Nairobi 2023: ‘A new Vision for Earth’   The GLF Nairobi 2023 Hybrid Conference, held on October 11 and 12, convened global thought leaders to set the stage for COP28, the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference. This pivotal event mobilised action on critical issues affecting humanity, biodiversity, and our planet. The conference featured two focused days: Day […]