Young Ecopreneurs: Moving Away from Business as Usual
15 Sep 2021
An increasing number of efforts have emerged to support the sustainable development of the Amazon basin, representing an encouraging movement of young people eager to put an end to business as usual. The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration has provided a much-needed sense of urgency to support bold actions for sustainable forest practices and land […]
Restauration des Forêts et des Paysages: Défis et Opportunités pour la Décennie à Venir
25 Jun 2021
L’édition française de la revue internationale des forêts et des industries forestières, Unasylva, «Restaurer la Terre – la décennie à venir» a été lancée à GLF Afrique. La revue se consacre à la création d’une dynamique pour le programme de restauration à l’horizon 2030, en particulier vu les opportunités qu’offrent les principaux engagements de restauration […]
Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival: Mining Threats in Pastoralist Areas
25 Jun 2021
The Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival seeks to deepen understanding of how diverse peoples sustain their livelihoods from extensive livestock production. The relationships between pastoralist people, animals and their food production systems reflect an intimate intertwining of culture, economy and ecology in harsh environments, such as Africa’s drylands, where the mobility of animals plays a key […]
Dedicated Grant Mechanism and Support for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities’ Engagement in Landscape Restoration on the Ground
25 Jun 2021
The Dedicated Grant Mechanism (DGM) is a global initiative that supports the participation of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) in the international effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) and promote sustainable forest management. Although still a relatively new initiative, it is showing promise as a new model for […]
Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival: Pastoralist Livelihoods in Africa
25 Jun 2021
The Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival seeks to deepen understanding of how diverse peoples sustain their livelihoods from extensive livestock production. The relationships between pastoralist people, animals and their food production systems reflect an intimate intertwining of culture, economy and ecology in harsh environments, such as Africa’s drylands, where the mobility of animals plays a […]
Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival: Global Recognition of Pastoralism and Its Future
25 Jun 2021
The Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival seeks to deepen understanding of how diverse peoples gain their livelihoods from extensive livestock production. The relationships of pastoralist people and animals and their food production systems reflect an intimate intertwining of culture, economy and ecology in harsh environments such as Africa’s drylands. In such environments, mobility of animals […]
Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival: Speaking Truth to Power – Pastoralists’ Advocacy
25 Jun 2021
The Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival seeks to deepen understanding of how diverse peoples gain their livelihoods from extensive livestock production. The relationships of pastoralist people and animals and their food production systems reflect an intimate intertwining of culture, economy and ecology in harsh environments such as Africa’s drylands. In such environments, mobility of animals […]
Monitoring the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration – Launch of the Framework for Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring (FERM) and Dryland Restoration Initiative Platform (DRIP)
25 Jun 2021
Technology and innovation for restoration monitoring is rapidly advancing thanks to developments in geospatial technology and imagery. If deployed effectively, these technical solutions for restoration planning and monitoring can significantly scale up action on the ground and contribute to meeting the ambitious targets of the restoration, biodiversity and climate agendas. This session highlights key solutions […]
Symphony of Science and Practice: Bringing Evidence to Bear for Land Restoration Practice and Policy in Africa
25 Jun 2021
This session explores innovative ways to capture restoration evidence and ensure that it is integrated throughout the planning process, to inform practice and, in turn, policy. Panellists identify the enabling conditions needed for systemic change, and provide a roadmap of steps for getting there.
Virtual Tour: Journey to the Drylands of East Africa, the Last Lands of Eden
25 Jun 2021
Take a virtual trip to the great savanna lands of East Africa—cradle of humankind, home to traditional nomadic pastoralists, and last refuge of some of the most spectacular wildlife populations on earth. Join experts from the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), including rangelands specialist Fiona Flintan, ecosystem ecologist Jason Sircely and gender scientist Renee Bullock, […]