
Evidence based transformation of food systems

25 Jun 2020

Evidence is critical for addressing longer-term crises like Covid-19, the climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity. This session highlights key indicative data that relates to these crises, mainly focusing on the outcome of the Forest Resources Assessment Report and the State of the Worlds’ Forests. This session hosted by UNREDD aired on June 5th, […]

Addressing forest crime through improved governance in the post COVID-19 recovery

25 Jun 2020

The Lower Mekong basin is a globally important ecoregion that encompasses an incredibly high diversity of forest habitats. Loss and degradation of natural forests in the middle-income countries of the region have displaced the growing demand for timber to the least developed countries of the region, and illegal logging practices and actors have followed. COVID-19 […]

What will it take to shift to a green economy?

25 Jun 2020

Nature is the basis for our existence, for food security and economic activity in general. Yet it faces ever more pressure from human intervention: intensive agriculture and unregulated fishing, deforestation and mining. This trend needs to be halted, which is only possible if the economy becomes “green” and agriculture more sustainable. That, however, requires the […]

LandScale: Demonstrating Impact at Scale

25 Jun 2020

The ability to communicate simple yet accurate statements of impact to donors, investors, and other stakeholders is crucial to strengthen support for work at the landscape level. How can we verify results from landscape assessments and what claims can organizations make about sustainability performance? Join us and other landscape leaders as we explore the latest […]

Creating a sustainable food future through strong alliances

25 Jun 2020

The way we treat natural resources in one location has repercussions for the wider landscape, particularly in this time of climate crisis. By building a strong alliance with diverse stakeholders (farmers, communities, companies, civil society organizations, governments, donors and consumers), Rainforest Alliance are working to create a better future for people and nature by making […]

Why a gender approach is key to sustainable landscape and food systems

25 Jun 2020

Time is running out to solve the complex and far-reaching environmental and climate induced challenges facing our planet. Issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and deforestation affect us all, but they differ from one region to another – affecting the most vulnerable, especially women in rural areas where agriculture is the main source of […]

How will a digital knowledge commons save the world?

24 Jun 2020

John Colmey, Managing Director of the Global Landscapes Forum, discusses the “democratization of knowledge” at GLF Bonn 2020.

Jane Goodall: 5 key goals for food security

23 Jun 2020

Dr. Jane Goodall shares 5 key goals for food security at GLF Bonn 2020.

Guided meditation for a healthy mind and planet

23 Jun 2020

Yogi, mytic, visionary, and founder of the Isha Foundation, Sadhguru discusses his latest biodiversity project, the “Conscious Planet” initiative, and leads a guided meditation. This guided meditation is intended to demonstrate a simple yet powerful meditation to help bring about balance and stability such that human actions become purposeful and all-inclusive, realizing the interdependence of […]