
Notre salut se trouve dans la tourbe : pourquoi les tourbières doivent être préservées

20 Jun 2020

Les abords des tourbières, souvent des cours d’eau, sont depuis longtemps des lieux d’implantation privilégiés par les humains. Ces endroits hostiles offrent cependant un large éventail de produits et une source de revenus. Plus on en apprend sur leur capacité de séquestration du carbone, plus la lutte contre la dégradation des tourbières se renforce. Il […]

For peat’s sake: why we must protect peatlands

20 Jun 2020

The edges of peatlands, often along rivers, have a long history of human settlement. While a challenging place to live, peatlands provide a range of products and income sources. As awareness rises about their carbon-sequestration abilities, so does the push to protect peatlands from degradation and ensure that local communities have viable options for livelihoods […]

Alimentation et nutrition en temps de crise : le rôle des forêts, des arbres et de l’agroforesterie

20 Jun 2020

Les événements actuels révèlent à quel point la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition, largement tributaires des forêts, des arbres et de l’agroforesterie, sont d’autant plus essentielles en périodes de crise. Cette séance du GLF Bonn 2020 s’intéresse aux rôles joués par ces ressources naturelles vitales dans la création de systèmes alimentaires et de foyers plus […]

A decade to restore the planet and amplify youth leadership

15 Jun 2020

Regardez la retransmission en ligne en français:  Da click aquí para la transmisión en español:  Achieving the goals of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration requires efforts at multiple scales and by multiple actors, through inter-sectoral and inter-generational approaches. In the last decade, youth networks and organizations have increasingly taken action and demonstrated to the world the power of […]

Generation Restoration: calling to action young restoration practitioners!

15 Jun 2020

Regardez la retransmission en ligne en français:  Da click aquí para la transmisión en español:  During this 30-minute session, the Youth in Landscapes (YIL) Steering Committee will be introducing the audience to the new GLF and YIL youth program, Generation Restoration, and will share some exciting news on the way forward!

A restoration recipe: ingredients for restoring our planet and reclaiming food

15 Jun 2020

Regardez la retransmission en ligne en français:  Da click aquí para la transmisión en español:  Imagine that restoration is the dish we want to cook. What are the essential ingredients needed to make this dish? How do we create the perfect recipe? This youth webinar co-organized by the Youth in Landscapes Initiative with the Wageningen Youth for Landscapes Forum, […]

Web scraping tutorial for beginners

15 Jun 2020

Web scraping is a method of extracting and restructuring information from web pages. Given the enormous quantity of unstructured data that is now populating the internet, web scraping is an essential skill for making sense of the world as we enter an information-led epoch. This tutorial introduces the concept and then moves on to basic […]

Food should be a human right. Here’s how we get there

12 Jun 2020

Food should be a human right. A right to food protects the fundamental liberty for all individuals to feed themselves with dignity. The right to food should be supported in ways that allow all individuals to have the means and freedom to access food that is quantitatively and qualitatively adequate to meet the individual’s dietary […]

Inspirational Speech by Climate-KIC Pernille Martiny Modvig and Co-Chair of the European Green Party Thomas Waitz

12 Jun 2020

Hear from European leaders who are campaigning for a green recovery package in the midst of the climate and COVID-19 crises.

How virtual reality journalism is transforming storytelling and creating empathy

12 Jun 2020

The transportive nature of virtual reality can take us out of our bedroom and into someone else’s across the globe. We can turn between their walls, walk through their communities, explore the setting of their story. While entertaining, certainly (and especially in times of quarantine), this medium is not for naught in terms of empathy […]