What Now? How to Scale Sustainable Business, Climate Finance, Alliances and Public Policy for Regional Action
30 Sep 2021
The Amazon is truly a global asset in regulating the climate, conserving biodiversity and securing a healthy and sustainable future for all. Urgent actions by all actors in society are desperately needed to avoid the ‘point of no return’ (commonly termed the ‘tipping point’) in which the vital biome loses its ability to store carbon. […]
The Amazon Forest Dieback: The Science, Impacts and Solutions
24 Sep 2021
The Amazon rainforest creates and relies on its own rainfall for survival. Deforestation, increased drought, and wildfire is threatening this process, resulting in an Amazon “dieback” that would transform the world’s largest rainforest into dry savannah. Preventing this outcome is not only possible; it may well be the cheapest means of keeping carbon in the […]
Voices of the Landscapes: New paradigms for Human-Nature Relations
24 Sep 2021
The Amazon is one of the most bioculturally-rich regions on the planet, housing a diverse plethora of species, communities, cultures, traditions, languages and ways of life. Over centuries, the region’s many Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs) have developed a unique relationship with the forest, making them vital partners in the global fight to conserve […]
The Tipping Point – What Does This Mean for Life on the Planet?
24 Sep 2021
With forest conversion fast approaching the 20-25% threshold, the Amazon basin is nearing a catastrophic tipping point. Accelerated by climate change, the biome’s capacity to store carbon is rapidly diminishing; its ecosystems – currently home to 10% of the Earth’s known species and 410 ethnic groups – are firing on all cylinders to regenerate in […]
Agroecology, Archeology and Anthropology: Integrating Past and Present to Enable Sustainable Land Uses in the Amazon of the Future
24 Sep 2021
Reconciling agricultural land use for food and income with conservation needs remains one of the greatest development challenges of our time. Indigenous, traditional and peasant communities of the Amazon have practiced a balanced model of nature use and conservation for centuries, shaping and maintaining the ecological functions on which their livelihoods depend. This session presents […]
The Geopolitics of Zero Deforestation: Connecting the Demand and Supply Sides of the Story
24 Sep 2021
Consumer countries such as the EU, USA and China have begun to look at their footprint from imported deforestation. Several initiatives are being implemented or debated that address globally traded soft commodities from the Amazon, including timber, soy, beef, cocoa and coffee. These include import and other regulatory approaches, as well as a plethora of […]
Restauration des Forêts et des Paysages: Défis et Opportunités pour la Décennie à Venir
25 Jun 2021
L’édition française de la revue internationale des forêts et des industries forestières, Unasylva, «Restaurer la Terre – la décennie à venir» a été lancée à GLF Afrique. La revue se consacre à la création d’une dynamique pour le programme de restauration à l’horizon 2030, en particulier vu les opportunités qu’offrent les principaux engagements de restauration […]
Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival: Mining Threats in Pastoralist Areas
25 Jun 2021
The Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival seeks to deepen understanding of how diverse peoples sustain their livelihoods from extensive livestock production. The relationships between pastoralist people, animals and their food production systems reflect an intimate intertwining of culture, economy and ecology in harsh environments, such as Africa’s drylands, where the mobility of animals plays a key […]
Dedicated Grant Mechanism and Support for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities’ Engagement in Landscape Restoration on the Ground
25 Jun 2021
The Dedicated Grant Mechanism (DGM) is a global initiative that supports the participation of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) in the international effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) and promote sustainable forest management. Although still a relatively new initiative, it is showing promise as a new model for […]
Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival: Pastoralist Livelihoods in Africa
25 Jun 2021
The Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival seeks to deepen understanding of how diverse peoples sustain their livelihoods from extensive livestock production. The relationships between pastoralist people, animals and their food production systems reflect an intimate intertwining of culture, economy and ecology in harsh environments, such as Africa’s drylands, where the mobility of animals plays a […]