
Felipe Villela – Landscape Talks GLF Bonn 2018

17 Dec 2018

I will address the Intelligence of Nature’s Design process and how we can use it within businesses to impact the world positively while generating profit. You should all be excited because I will inspire you to see that you can make more money from growing your raw materials from the forest than deforesting. I will bring clear inspiring examples of how plants cooperate between each other and how we can use that knowledge to redefine our businesses models to a more nature inclusive one.

Irina Fedorenko – Landscape Talks GLF Bonn 2018

17 Dec 2018

Taking flight: The drones that plant a billion trees

Discussion Forum 14: From forests to markets, making supply chains greener through PPPs

13 Dec 2018

The forest landscape restoration (FLR) process should contribute to the development of a sound base for a circular bio-economy – away from the fossil fuel-based economy – and should guide a transition in which sustainable forestry and legal supply chains play a significant role in producing the timber and forest products, energy, food and ecosystem […]

Discussion Forum 12: Help create the future of sustainable trade

13 Dec 2018

Join the IDH and partners in discussing Verified Sourcing Areas: a new market mechanism aimed at providing large volumes of commodities in line with sustainability commitments at a competitive scale and price, while lifting the base level of sustainability in producing regions. VSAs provide an answer to pressing issues like deforestation, smallholder livelihoods, water- and […]

Discussion Forum 15: Financing Forest Landscape Restoration

13 Dec 2018

Stakeholders and policy makers discuss how to successfully incentivise private investments in forest landscape restoration (FLR) to reach the targets of initiatives like the Bonn Challenge, New York Declaration and AFR100.

Side Event 6: Redirect Private Capital towards “Deforestation-free” Commodity Production

13 Dec 2018

This session will deepen the dialogue and learn from innovative solutions on how redirecting private capitals toward “deforestation-free” commodity production that promote sustainable land-use and forest protection, while meeting current and future challenges in relation to poverty, food security, climate and environmental issues. Background Forests have strong capabilities to sequester carbon, purify water and protect […]

Discussion Forum 5: Re-imagining global agriculture

13 Dec 2018

This discussion forum will focus on how to achieve net-positive impact in agricultural value chains through a landscape approach. Olam International is a global “seed-to-shelf” agricultural business with operations in 66 countries. Olam grows, sources, processes, trades and supplies around 47 different food and fibre commodities including cocoa, coffee, cotton, edible nuts, grains, spices & […]

Discussion Forum 19: Integrating bioenergy and landscape restoration in the tropics

13 Dec 2018

Mixed bioenergy tree species planted in the tropics on degraded land could solve several international development challenges. Renewable energy is a key component of several U.N. Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets. They include affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), climate action (SDG 13) and life on land (SDG 15). Bioenergy agroforestry systems offer the potential […]