A call to action

Building blocks for a new vision for Earth

We urgently need a New Vision for Earth. We ask the international community, policymakers, public and private financing, and the private sector to adopt these global actions backed by knowledge and the latest research.

Restore Landscapes and Seascapes Across All Scales

The Earth’s lands and oceans have been severely degraded by centuries of deforestation, mining, fossil fuel extraction and resource accumulation. We must conserve and restore our landscapes and seascapes to protect the ecosystems they harbor and the livelihoods they sustain.

  • We call on policymakers to pass concrete, legally binding measures to halt degradation and urgently and holistically implement commitments to restore degraded landscapes.
  • We call upon all stakeholders to combine their efforts towards conservation and restoration, as well as developing incentive programs to accelerate and amplify ongoing efforts.
  • We urge public and private financiers to provide funding for land stewards and restoration initiatives of all scales.

Unite For Food and Seed Sovereignty

In the face of conflict, the climate and biodiversity crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, our current global food system has proven vulnerable to external shocks and damaging to both ecosystems and communities. We must rethink and redesign our food systems and value chains to strengthen the resilience of landscapes and communities.

  • We call on all stakeholders to unite in building sovereign, sustainable and localized food systems to produce a reliable supply of diverse, nutritious crops using locally available resources for all.
  • We call on policymakers and financiers to address policy gaps and ensure coherence amongst sectors while redirecting harmful subsidies to incentivize the sustainable production and consumption of food.
  • We encourage scaling practices and accessible tools for farmer-led regenerative agriculture to restore soil health and boost productivity.

Transform Financial Models to be Transparent, Inclusive and Appropriate

It is pertinent for financial institutions to implement new inclusive, transparent, and appropriate financial models that are contextualized to social, economic, and ecological realities at local, regional, and global levels.

  • We call on public and private financiers to implement new efficient blended financing models to redirect capital toward sustainable endeavors,nature-based solutions, sustainable land use, and mitigation and adaptation initiatives and mechanisms.
  • We call on the financial institutions to provide financial services to all.

Build A Well-Being Economy Within Planetary Boundaries

Planetary boundaries refer to the limits of nine key global systems that keep the Earth livable for humans, of which six have now been crossed. At the same time, our current economic model, energy system and indicators solely focus on economic growth without taking these planetary boundaries into account.

  • We must phase out fossil fuels and related subsidies and rethink the energy system.
  • We advocate a well-being economy, characterized by a people and community-centric, ecologically balanced, and culturally sensitive way of living, and request policymakers to use alternative indicators in addition to the GDP to measure human and planetary health.
  • We encourage governments, all policymakers, and the private sector to ensure that all decisions and sectors operate within planetary boundaries.

Democratize Knowledge Creation and Access

The world is connected, and we live in an age of digital opportunities. While the number of people online keeps growing, it is important to ensure free, equitable and open access to science, knowledge, and innovations for everyone.

  • We call for all decision-making to be science and evidence-based and to integrate traditional knowledge, contemporary knowledge, and science.We encourage a collaborative approach to data and research that enables a wide spectrum of stakeholders to participate, co-create and co-benefit from the knowledge underlying these innovations.
  • We encourage governments to offer incentives to facilitate this.
  • We encourage the private sector to create accessible and affordable technologies and innovations that are co-created and built with the stakeholders they impact.
  • We ask the international community and private sector to recognize the lived experience, traditional knowledge systems, and innovations of Indigenous Peoples and local communities. We ask that they be acknowledged, respected and rewarded for their expertise.

Advocate For Rights in All Decision Making

Indigenous Peoples and other traditional communities have sustainably managed their lands and natural resources for millennia. But despite their immense contribution to safeguarding the planet’s biodiversity, these stewards have often been excluded from land use decision-making.

  • We must ensure fair access to land and other natural resources and respect the legitimate rights of people who live on and from the land.
  • We call on policymakers to recognize the urgent need to respect and promote the inherent rights of Indigenous Peoples to their lands, territories, and resources.
  • We must include Indigenous and other marginalized peoples in climate and biodiversity decision-making, treaties and agreements.