CIFOR DG Robert Nasi on Reuters climate news: ‘Land rights a tool for climate change action’


21 Jun 2019

Photo credit: Robert Nasi (L), director general of the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), and Marcos Terena, Xané leader and founder of Indigenous political movement in Brazil. GLF/Pilar Valbuena

“We already have one very effective tool for climate-change action,” writes Robert Nasi, director general of the Center for International Forestry Research, ahead of the Global Landscapes Forum in Bonn, Germany. “I refer to rights: land-use and tenure rights for indigenous peoples, women, youth and local communities.”

Evidence shows that when local communities have authority over their forests and land, and their rights legally recognized, deforestation rates are often reduced. Insecure tenure can be a recipe for deforestation and forest degradation, he said.

The theme of GLF Bonn 2019 is on rights and climate change, including Indigenous rights, women’s rights, youth and local communities. More than 1,500 leaders from 100 countries will attend the conference, including Indigenous peoples, ministers, scientists, finance heads, global media, youth and more. Thousands more will follow online.

Read the full story here.


Read more about this topic:

Learn more at the Global Landscapes Forum conference in Bonn, Germany, 22-23 June 2019.

Read Landscape News stories from the 18th session of the U.N. Permanent Forum on Indigenous issues here.


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