Conservation International, WRI, EFI, Climate Focus Join GLF as charter members


23 Jun 2019

Four international organizations joined the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) during the GLF Bonn 2019 annual conference as charter members, building momentum towards a more sustainable future.

Conservation International, World Resources Institute, Climate Focus and European Forest Institute,  organizations working to build sustainable landscapes, will share their expertise, research and work on GLF’s growing platform and network of environment and development organizations.

“Being a GLF charter member is an incredible opportunity to scale action,” said Jennifer Morris, President of Conservation International. “This year, the Bonn forum is focused on rights and resources and that is a dialogue that absolutely needs to happen given the inextricable connection between people and our planet. Conservation International will do whatever it can to ensure that indigenous people and local communities can steward their own resources successfully.”

“WRI’s Global Restoration Initiative works with communities, governments, investors and research institutions in Africa, Asia and Latin America to inspire, support and foster a movement to restore vital forests and degraded lands,” said Sean DeWitt, Director of the Global Restoration Initiative at WRI. “We are honored to join the GLF as a charter member with the shared belief that by working together we can drive healthier landscapes that ensure more sustainable livelihoods globally.”

“Joining the Global Landscapes Forum gives Climate Focus the opportunity to be in the room with some of the strongest leaders in the world – in thought and action – on building and maintaining functional landscapes, for people and the planet,” said Charlotte Streck, Director of Climate Focus.

“We are excited to be part of the Global Landscape Forum,” said Marc Palahi, Director of the European Forest Institute. “EFI has the ambition to connect forest science to action. It is time to think forest, and it is time to act Landscape. GLF is the right platform for EFI to contribute to a wider global community to realize sustainable development.”

This weekend, the Global Landscapes Forum aims to adopt a standard to protect lands of Indigenous peoples and local communities. About 800 people are participating in the event, while thousands more are joining discussions online, allowing those from different corners of the world to tune in even if they can’t be in Bonn in person.

“It is with the support of our charter members that we’re able to share collective knowledge and build momentum for a more sustainable future,” said John Colmey, Managing Director of GLF.

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