Frequently Asked Questions
Find below answers to questions often asked by those applying to the GLF Nairobi Youth Program.
Will selected youth leaders receive funding to Nairobi?
We have a limited amount of travel scholarships available. At the moment the top 15 applicants will be funded throughout the program and GLF Nairobi event (Aug 27-30). The remaining delegates are expected to raise their own funds to attend, though our team will be available to assist wherever possible with fundraising.
What time commitment is involved?
Selected participants will be required to participate in the following:
- Online learning will occur over 4 weeks and include a variety of resources, writing exercises, and online digital summits. Participants are expected to commit no more than 3 hours a week beginning July 30th.
- Be in Nairobi Aug 27-30th for the sole purpose of the GLF Nairobi event and the Youth Workshop facilitated by the GLF and the Youth in Landscapes Initiative.
- Write a concluding blog/or video following the program.
- (Optional) Join Pan-African project teams to plan projects, share knowledge, and provide support across borders among the leaders you meet in Nairobi. These project teams will provide an update twice a year on progress.
When do applications close?
If you wish to be considered for funding, the priority deadline is July 20th, 5 PM GMT. Applications for self-funded participants will be rolling up to July 27th, 5 PM GMT.
Where will the Youth Workshop be held?
The workshop on Aug 27-28 will be held at the World Agroforestry Centre Campus in Nairobi, Kenya while the GLF Nairobi event will be held at the UN Campus of Nairobi.
How will you select your 100 participants?
Applicants will be selected based on their:
- passion and motivation
- demonstrated interest in landscape restoration and sustainability issuesyouth
- clarity of responses
- ability to implement ideas and collaborate
I am under 18 or over 35, can I still apply?
Unfortunately, not but you can still register for the GLF Nairobi event here. If you are under 18, please contact the GLF Youth Coordinator at s.abraham@cgiar.org to identify other avenues for participation.
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