Financiers meet to catalyze investment in climate action worldwide


27 Feb 2023

Español | Français

This March, investors and local actors meet in Luxembourg and online to move forward on financing community projects.

BONN, Germany (February 2023) – The impacts of environmental disruption have no borders. Sectors and communities worldwide are urged to be changemakers for the planet’s sake and humanity itself. On 7 March 2023, at the 6th GLF Investment Case Symposium ‘GLF–Luxembourg Finance for Nature: What comes next?‘, financiers and local actors will explore ways to mainstream more significant investment into innovative solutions developed in the countries suffering the most and earliest impacts of the climate and biodiversity crises.

The symposium will show how the financial sector can be part of the solution. Investors, land stewards, innovators, Indigenous and political leaders, scientists, and other stakeholders will discuss projects and ideas for the present and future of sustainable finance from four angles: impact monitoring and standards, sustainable value chains, innovations for community finance and blended finance.

Be part of this one-day gathering – along with around 3000 online and hundreds of in-person participants – and help bridge the financing gap between investors and local projects addressing deforestation, landscape restoration, agroforestry, biodiversity, agriculture, and more.

WHAT: innovative projects pitching and expert, networking and plenary sessions, simultaneously interpreted into English, Spanish and French. Find the agenda here.
WHEN: Tuesday, 7 March 2023.
WHERE: Online and in Luxembourg. Register here.
WHO: Speakers from across the world. Find more about them here.



About the GLF
The Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) is the world’s largest knowledge-led platform on integrated land use, connecting people with a shared vision to create productive, profitable, equitable & resilient landscapes. It is led by the Center for International Forestry Research-World Agroforestry Centre (CIFOR–ICRAF), in collaboration with its co-founders UNEP and the World Bank, and its charter members. Learn more at

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