Global Landscapes Forum speakers are blogging on Huffington Post and Devex


6 Dec 2015

On the eve of the Global Landscapes Forum, kicking off on Saturday in Paris, our speakers are active in the blogosphere, promoting key topics to a wider audience.

In the Huffington Post, Johan Rockström, Director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University, draws attention to The Carbon Budget For the Rest of Humanity’s Time on Earth. Together with John Schellnhuber, Founding Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and Chair of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), Rockström warns that the global economy is pushing up against the boundaries of the planet. You can also watch his insightful video:

In a second blog in the Huffington Post, Justin Adams, Global Managing Director of Lands at The Nature Conservancy, writes that COP21 Is Reminding Us That Everyone’s Prosperity Relies on Nature. He also draws readers’ attention to GLF 2015:

The Global Landscapes Forum takes place in Paris this weekend. Some 3,000 people are uniting around this agenda: indigenous peoples, financiers, policymakers, large corporates, smallholders and a broad range of civil society. My organization — The Nature Conservancy — is participating in many activities: working alongside governments including the US, China, Mexico, Brazil and Indonesia; partnering with indigenous peoples from Australia to Africa; hosting discussions with civil society partners, financiers and corporates; and showcasing the latest tools and technologies that are being deployed on the ground.

Thanks for this acknowledgement, Justin. And here are TNC’s discussion forums:

It all begins at home – climate action with multiple scopes and scales for achieving INDCs, Saturday 12.15 (featuring David Nabarro, newly appointed UN Secretary General Special Adviser on the Sustainable Development Agenda)

Indigenous Peoples’ rights and land tenure: Fostering partnerships to tackle climate change, Saturday, 15.30 – Watch session live here

Green Growth Compacts: How three states are pursuing a different industrial development, Sunday, 16.30

On Devex, Seth Shames of EcoAgriculture Partners, blogs about sustainable investments and financing. Together with his two colleagues Krista Heiner and Alden Irish, he argues against the current siloed financial system. They too highlight the Global Landscapes Forum as:

a unique opportunity for scaling local landscape finance experiments into global change.

A contributor to GLF 2015, Althelia Ecosphere (see their session here) is hailed for their new, sustainable approaches:

Some financiers are already making this commitment. Althelia Ecosphere is an impact investment fund pursuing ecologically supportive investments. Investments by Althelia in the Peruvian Amazon provide a model for how a financial investor, in partnership with local institutions, can coordinate investments for the multiple objectives within a landscape. In this case, a local nongovernmental organization is leading efforts to identify key drivers of deforestation and address them with the support of Althelia’s investments in cocoa agroforestry within the forest buffer zone. Althelia chose to invest in the site in part because there was a strong stakeholder process and a landscape investment facilitator.

At GLF 2015, EcoAgriculture Partners are co-hosting the session:

Investing in integrated landscapes to achieve the SDGs, Saturday, 15.30

You can follow the Global Landscapes Forum via live webcast from 14.00 CET (GMT +1 hour).


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