Heading to Egypt: Voices and solutions from the frontline of the climate crisis


31 Oct 2022

Photo by Victor Ojediran

What can we do now? Indigenous leaders, top scientists, leading politicians, and activists seek and provide answers at GLF Climate Conference alongside the most important climate conference of the year. 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | Française, español 

Bonn, Germany (31 October 2022) – Humanity is facing a barrage of interconnected crises: climate change, conflict, hunger, high inflation, energy crisis and the enduring impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. So what can we do – now – to avoid climate and biodiversity collapse?

Hosted digitally and in Sharm El Sheikh alongside COP27 from 11–12 November 2022, the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF)’s Climate 2022 conference will explore, over two full days, the urgent and existential question of how to bring about the change that’s needed to sustain life on Earth. With simultaneous interpretation in English, French and Spanish, it will provide the evidence base of integrated land-based solutions; mobilize partnerships, coalitions, and movements – from local to global; and influence government policies and incentives, to facilitate a just transition that puts people and nature first.  

Through plenaries, interactive sessions, launches and more, participants will learn from leading scientists, activists, Indigenous leaders, financiers, youth, and policymakers from around the world as they piece together the climate puzzle. For instance:  

  • Bagja Hidayat, Editor-in-chief, Forest Digest 
  • Camille Rivera, Co-Founder and Director, Oceanus; and Coordinator, GLF Mindanao Chapter 
  • Eka Cahyaningrum, Primatologist, Conservationist, and GLF Restoration Steward for Peatland Ecosystems 2022 
  • Ewi Stephanie Lamma, Director of Programs, Pan African Centre for Climate Policy; and Core Team Member and Event Organizer, GLF Yaounde Chapter
  • Galina Angarova, Executive Director, Cultural Survival 
  • Jennifer Pryce, President and CEO, Calvert Impact Capital 
  • Joycelyn Longdon, Climate Activist & Founder of Climate In Colour 
  • Ko Barrett, Vice-Chair, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 
  • Lian Pin Koh, Director of the Centre for Nature-based Climate Solutions, National University of Singapore 
  • Mia Amor Mottley, Prime Minister, Barbados 
  • Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli, Co-founder and Executive Chair, Sahel Consulting Agriculture & Nutrition
  • Paul Polman, Co-Author of Net Positive, and “a standout CEO of the past decade” according to the Financial Times 
  • Peter Minang, Africa Director, Center for International Forestry Research – World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF) 
  • Solange Bandiaky-Badji, President and Coordinator, Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI)
  • Sônia Guajajara, Indigenous politician and congresswoman, Brazil 
  • Syeda Rizwana Hasan, Attorney and Environmentalist, Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association (BELA)


What’s in it for journalists? 

Voices that need to be heard: Stories from those on the front line of crises, showcasing crucial local action and solutions. 

Newsworthy launches: The conference features numerous launches of new tools aiming to facilitate local adaptation at a global scale, involving land rights, finance, and forests, and benefiting Indigenous, rural and urban communities. For instance, the GLF and Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) will launch the global Land Rights Standard, the first of its kind, to guide how the rights of the custodians of a quarter of the world’s terrestrial surface should be included in legislation, investment and global development. 

Journalists panel: a session by the Pulitzer Center that will highlight the importance of journalism, education, and outreach cross-sectoral efforts in tackling the climate crises. 

 Journalists can apply for a press pass here to attend GLF Climate online or in person. 

 #GLFClimate #ThinkLandscape  



For more information and/or to arrange interviews with speakers, online or in-person, please contact Christine Wangalachi (c.wangalachi@cgiar.org) or Kelly Quintero (k.quintero@cgiar.org). 


About the GLF  

The  Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) is the world’s largest knowledge-led platform on integrated land use, dedicated to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Climate Agreement. The Forum takes a holistic approach to create sustainable landscapes that are productive, prosperous, equitable and resilient, and considers five cohesive themes of food and livelihoods, landscape restoration, rights, finance and measuring progress. It is led by the Center for International Forestry Research-World Agroforestry Centre (CIFOR-ICRAF), in collaboration with its co-founders UNEP and the World Bank, and its charter members. This conference is made possible through our sponsors and working partners 


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