How to get the most out of the GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference: One World – One Health, 28-29 October 2020


21 Oct 2020

The GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference will be a fully-digital affair. It won’t be the same as a physical conference. But we hope to provide something close to it, with no risks, minimized carbon emissions and lots of opportunities for connections.

To help you navigate this digital environment – and ensure you get the most out of the conference – we’ve compiled this handy guide to the technology that’s going to help make it happen.

Get the app:
Once you’ve registered, you’ll be able to join the conference from your desktop, laptop and mobile. You will receive instructions via email to download the Whova mobile app in advance (or find below), as this will give you access to unique interactive features – only on the mobile app can you:

  • Create a profile and view or get matched with other attendees;
  • Schedule personal meetings with other attendees;
  • Set reminders on your phone for sessions you don’t want to miss; and
  • Participate in competitions.

You may still want to view sessions from your desktop or laptop to take advantage of the bigger screen size.



Personalize your agenda:
Create your own agenda for the conference to make sure you never miss a session in your sphere of interest. Search for sessions by filtering according to session type, add the ones you like the look of to your personal agenda, and set reminders to ensure you’re right there in the ‘virtual front row’ when they begin.

Join a session:
Experts and leading international organizations are organizing 23 sessions on the theme of biodiversity. You can also join virtual tours, documentary screenings, a lecture with a world-renowned ethnobotanist and plant explorer, inspirational speeches and much more.

When you ‘join a session’ on the app, you can ask the speakers questions, and upvote others’ questions, too. You can also chat online with other people in the session.

Network and join groups:
In lieu of making connections around the coffee and muffins at break time, let’s learn together how to network virtually. Join discussion topics, social groups and virtual networking sessions – or create your own.

Get a certificate of participation:
We are offering a certificate of participation to all attendees of GLF Biodiversity upon completing the post-event survey (stay tuned). The certificate will be issued as PDFs via your registered email to all who qualify.

Don’t miss out on the Youth Daily Shows:
Depending on your time-zone, there will be a Youth Daily Show for you, featuring the world of amazing students and young professionals around the world. Check out the agenda, and make sure to join your favorite session.

Visit the exhibition booths:
Sign into Whova to visit the digital exhibition booths, brought to you by leading environmental and grassroots organizations. Connect and learn with 25 booths, open 24/7. In Whova, under Exhibitions.

Join us on social media:
Take part in the lively conversation on our social media channels! #GLFBiodiversity

Inform the policy brief:
Contribute directly to the GLF Biodiversity 2020 policy brief, “One World, One Health: Harnessing the power of landscapes to build back better”. Join us on Whova to submit comments or testimonials and help us to strengthen the UN CBD post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

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