How to get the most out of the GLF Bonn Digital Conference: Food in the time of crises


29 May 2020


At the GLF Bonn Digital Conference 2020, great minds from across the globe will gather online around the challenge of feeding a growing population without over-exploiting the planet. As the COVID-19 pandemic puts systems on pause right now across the Earth, it’s the perfect moment to explore how to ‘build back better’: to transform our food systems and plot a future with long-term planetary health and human well-being at the fore.

This year, for the first time, the GLF Bonn annual conference will be a fully-digital affair. It won’t be the same as a physical conference. But we hope to provide something close to it, with no risks, minimized carbon emissions and lots of opportunities for connections.

To help you navigate this new digital environment – and ensure you get the most out of the conference – we’ve compiled this handy guide to the technology that’s going to help make it happen. 

  1. Get the app:

Once you’ve registered, you’ll be able to join the conference from your desktop, laptop and mobile. You will receive instructions via email to download the GLF Bonn 2020 app in advance, as this will give you access to unique interactive features – only on the app can you: 

  • create a profile and view or get matched with other attendees;
  • schedule personal meetings with other attendees;
  • set reminders on your phone for sessions you don’t want to miss; and
  • participate in competitions.


Get app now


You may still want to view sessions from your desktop or laptop to take advantage of the bigger screen size.  

  1. Personalize your agenda:

Gone are the days of scribbling on hard-copy schedules. Create your own agenda for the conference to make sure you never miss a session in your sphere of interest. Search for sessions by filtering according to learning track or session type, add the ones you like the look of to your personal agenda, and set reminders to ensure you’re right there in the ‘virtual front row’ when they begin.

  1. Join a learning track 

Three ‘learning tracks’ will be threaded throughout the conference; they offer an opportunity for conference participants to dive deeper into some of the cross-cutting topics that are essential to the conversation about sustainable food systems in the face of climate change. This year, the three tracks are: storytelling; finance and value chains; and measuring progress. 

  1. Join a Session:

World-renowned experts and leading international organizations are organizing 15+ sessions on the theme of food and livelihoods. You can also join live cooking shows, a guided meditation, inspirational speeches and much more.

When you ‘join a session’ on the app, you can ask the speakers questions, and upvote others’ questions, too. You can also chat online with other people in the session. 

  1. Network and join groups:

In lieu of making connections around the coffee and muffins at break time, let’s learn together how to network virtually. Join discussion topics, social groups and virtual networking sessions – or create your own. 

  1. Take part in polls:

Have your say by participating in polls about specific sessions – or the conference in general – to help build our collective understanding of each other and the whole experience.  

  1. Win prizes:

Use the app to participate in the photography and conference engagement competitions. 


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