Join webinar on Fri Nov 14 & learn how to “pitch an idea”

10 Nov 2014

Webinar: The art of pitching

Friday November 14

Starts 08:00 Peru time (2pm CET/8pm Bangkok)



We’re given few opportunities to be heard, and even less time. Whether it be during coffee breaks, interviews, comments during a conference session, presentation slots, or passing someone on the street – we need to be prepared to give a succinct, compelling and convincing elevator pitch (don’t know what a pitch is? Read this blogpost). If you can’t make your point in 2 minutes or less, you’re likely to lose these fleeting moments.

The purpose of pitching is to refine the way in which we present our ideas in ways that are specific for an intended audience to maximize positive results – whether it be funding for a business proposal, a successful interview, or capturing a politician’s interest.

During this webinar we will cover the basics of “pitching”. We will focus on the art of framing your point or message for different missions, audiences and outcomes. The skills taught in this webinar will be built upon and put into practice during the Pitching Masterclass on December 5th in Lima, Peru.

About the Trainers:

andy jarvis
  • Dr Andy Jarvis is the Leader of the Decision and Policy Analysis Program in the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and is a Theme Leader for the Research Program for Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).  He is based in Cali, Colombia.  Dr. Jarvis’ research focuses on climate smart agriculture.  Andy believes that if you cannot explain what you do to your mother, you should go find another job.
  • Juliet Braslow is the Coordinator of the Soils Research Area at the International Center for Tropical Research (CIAT) based in Nairobi, Kenya. She is interested in interdisciplinary and participatory research in development and effective science communication.  In July, Juliet was one of the pitchers in the Dragon’s Den session on influencing policy in Nairobi, and in August she ran a similar session on pitching and key messaging for impact in Colombia.
abby waldorf
  • Abby Waldorf is the Communications and Engagement officer for the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems. She has a particular interest in communicating for policy impact and research uptake and recently ran a Dragon’s Den event in Nairobi on policy pitching.

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