Landscape as medium to create urban form, infrastructures and territorial systems


29 Mar 2019

Contributed by Hannes Zander, co-editor, International Landscape Collaborative

From the South: Global Perspectives on Landscape and Territory is a new book published by the International Landscape Collaborative (ILC).

The book promotes an approach that uses the landscape as a medium to understand and create urban form, infrastructures and territorial systems, and to respond to contemporary socio-environmental challenges. It contains 18 essays written by authors from eight nations and five continents.

The book was published by Chile’s Universidad del Desarrollo in bilingual form with Spanish translations. It  was supported by Fondart Nacional, Convocatoria 2018 (Chilean National Council of Culture and Arts) and Fundación Cosmos.

It is available for free download on the ILC website

International Landscape Collaborative: Flavio Sciaraffia, Sourav K. Biswas, Thomas Nideroest, Hannes Zander (Eds.), From the South: Global Perspective on Landscape and Territory, Santiago, Chile: Universidad del Desarrollo, 2019.

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