Linger at the Landscape Learning Café for real insights into rights


18 Jun 2019

By Cora van Oosten, Learning Coordinator, Global Landscapes Forum.

The Landscape Learning Café is the place to be during the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) 22-23 June to engage, connect, share and learn. Find it centrally located in the events area. Highly interactive workshops on Indigenous knowledge, land and water rights, innovative tools for mapping, monitoring and enhancing landscape restoration make it the ideal place to learn about landscapes, and particularly about rights to landscapes. Learn how to tell a compelling landscape story, and plot this on a virtual map. Learn about soundscapes, take part in a participatory landscape poetry session or join a curriculum design session for the Landscape Academy. GLF 2019 is all about rights, and we challenge you to claim your space, raise your voice and get inspired in the Landscape Learning Café.

The Sankofa Bird from Ghana (Ashanti culture) symbolizes a bird, which stands for “learning from the past – for building a better future”

Our motto is “From indigenous knowledge to landscape innovation,”, which originated from a series of highly interactive, informal workshops on indigenous knowledge, land and water rights, innovative tools for mapping, monitoring and landscape restoration.

For GLF Bonn 2019: The Indigenous Peoples’ Major Group for Sustainable Development will lead an intergenerational dialogue on Indigenous knowledge. Attendees will learn from Indigenous elders about the value of Indigenous knowledge and from Indigenous youth about the challenges they face in building the future they want. The Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) will share some Indigenous governance arrangements that work, and will inspire you to have a closer look at indigenous governance arrangements in your own region.

The coalition Land Rights Now will address the rights of human rights defenders who are increasingly criminalized for their actions, sharing knowledge on what does and does not work well in defending human rights safely. The Land Portal foundation together with GIZ,  (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH), Germany’s  international development agency, will take you through the importance of land rights, and the role of geo-data to register or otherwise strengthen land rights. Tropenbos International, together with the CGIAR research program on Food, Trees and Agroforestry will take you through an entertaining Community Rights Bingo game, to test your community rights knowledge. Water rights will also be in focus. ACACIA Water will show you the importance of water and water rights for those public and private users who need it.

OpenForests will share insights into how to tell a compelling story about landscapes, and on how to improve your story by making use of open data. The Wageningen University and Research Youth in Landscapes initiative will highlight the issue of climate justice, and how co-creation can help reclaim rights for all.

Inspiring young Indigenous leaders and activists will tune you into the landscape, and enable you to listen to the sounds of flora, fauna, water, soil and life itself.

Representatives from the International Union of Forestry Research, Wageningen and the International Forestry Students’ Association will share their experiences on landscape and forest education, facilitating a collective brainstorm on how multidisciplinary landscape education can be improved in a more structured and collaborative manner.

Finally, there are innovative companies like Nature Squared, SamSamwater and Greenstand which will show you how technology can contribute to landscape restoration. They will demonstrate a range of innovative restoration tools such as Greener.Land and the Tree Tracker, and ask for feedback on their applicability to your own region.

All sessions in the Learning Café will provide input for an interactive curriculum on landscape rights that will be turned into a professional online Landscape Academy course, a curriculum developed by GLF and partners.

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