Luisa Volpe of World Farmers Organization joins International Women’s Day digital summit

4 Mar 2019

Learn the secret power of the impact of technology on development initiatives with Luisa Volpe, head of policy development at World Farmers Organization (WFO), a group of 1.5 billion farmers from 54 countries.

She will speak at a Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) Digital Summit on International Women’s Day.

Volpe will be joined by Hajar Benelcadi, senior EO Data Analyst with Mundialis, and Neha Misra, Co-Founder and Chief Collaboration Officer of Solar Sister. They will share insights into how technology and innovation can bridge the gap and strengthen rights for local communities – from clean energy solutions to data democratization and open source tools.

WFO represents the farm community at the United Nations on climate change and other topics, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 Agenda, 17 internationally agreed targets aimed at reducing economic equality.

Learn more and register here for GLF Digital Summit:

Women Rising for Rights – Promoting inclusivity with technology

Read an interview with Luisa Volpe on CIMMYT News:

Farmers cite climate change as biggest challenge, says World Farmers Organization at COP24

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