Meet the GLF BONN 2018 Landscape Leaders


7 Nov 2018

Leaders are not the kind of people who stand in front and give instruction. Leaders are the people who get things started. If not us, the youth, then who? Landscapes are our everything, landscapes are our livelihoods, we depend on landscapes and that is why us, the youth, must take on the challenge of being leaders.”

-Zizipho Royi

Powerful words. Powerful commitments. Over 360 young voices from across the globe.

Looking to hear these stories? Read on and watch the top videos here.

We are happy to announce the workshop participants to the 2018 Landscape Leadership workshop coordinated by the Youth in Landscapes Initiative and the Global Landscapes Forum. Inspirational stories, heartfelt passion, and commitments have been shared by the 360+ applicants and we would like to thank all individuals who have applied and are working for a more sustainable world.

Meet the Leaders!

The GLF will provide sponsorship to the following applicants to the workshop and GLF Bonn 2018!

Filipe Suleiman from Brazil

Regeneration | Connection | Earth | Respect | Ancestral

“We must bring youth together so we can answer the challenge we face and create the bright future we see ahead of us. As a landscape leader I aim to learn, to exchange, and to be in a movement that is bigger than myself and that can drive me and my cause to the next level.”


Fabiola Espinoza Córdova from Peru

Commitment | Management | Facilitation | Empowerment | Collaboration

“I want to be a landscape restoration leader in my country in order to help raise the voices of communities and to raise awareness among them to protect their landscape and ecosystem.”


Joshua Borokinni from Nigeria

Afforestation | Advocacy | Biodiversity | Endangered Species | Forest-Preneurship

“I strongly look forward to exchanging inputs and ideas in landscape conservation and, in the long run, create a working document (in collaboration with other young Nigerians) for the Nigerian government, aimed at harnessing the potentials in landscape conservation”.


Ruth Edma Mwizeere from Uganda

Taking charge and carrying out restoration

“It is critical right now to have landscape leaders because there are many complex environmental, economic and social issues. These issues cannot be solved with just one solution. A holistic approach is required to be able to understand these problems and come up with solutions.”


Claire Nasike Akello from Kenya

Sustainability | Dialogue | Conservation | Knowledge | Diversity

“We as young people need to stand up and make sure that no Kenyan dies because of lack of sufficient food.”


Zizipho Royi From South Africa

Action | Awareness | Positive | Facilitation | Progress

“I believe that I’m a landscape leader because I am a young, ambitious, goal driven woman that not only has the capacity to lead but also has the courage to follow”


Elizabeth Wanjiru Wathuti from Kenya

Advocacy | Empowerment | Collaboration | Conservation | Planning

“I would like to be a landscape leader because I am a young change maker who believes in landscape restoration as an opportunity to transform lives and i know that its achievement calls for bold and innovative leadership”.


Nistia Ningati from Indonesia

Marketing | Catalyse-agent | Green | Industry | Restoration

“I strongly believe that this event will provide me opportunity to learn how to deal with stakeholders as well as transfer knowledge between landscape leaders and environmentalists”


Ritika Khanna from India

Culture | Nature | Heritage | Collaboration | Diversity

“I feel there is an urgent need to take collective efforts and develop projects that could foster landscape preservation. It is important for young professional like me, to be trained to work in an action oriented way and I’m sure the GLF is an ideal step in this direction”.


Maryam Siddiqui from India

Action | Innovation | Global Warming | Afforestation | Green Architecture

“I believe that by incorporating the knowledge gained in the workshop in my field of work, architecture, and by initiating the talk and spreading unrest about global warming, I can make a difference.”


Check if you are one of the 40 young leaders!


Adelaide Awuradwoa Asiamah

Hannifa Kut

Kempango Lilian

Ms. Sumarni

Elson Ian Nyl Galang

Carolina Yang

Andrea Elizabeth Morales Rivas

Alisa Reiss

Wambui  Kabiru

Elizabeth Gulugulu

Yusuf Yahaya

Fredrick Frimpong

Zibusiso Andile Moyo

Koketso Valerie Mannathoko

Teddy Kaunda

Motaz Abdelaziz

Nicolaus Novatus

Pius Matunge

Daniele Crimella

David Boumzina

Uwase Hirwa Honorine

Betty Rono

Justin Springer

David Chirwa

Lilian Daphine Lunyolo

Maya Adams

Nephory Mwambai

Lily Jepkorir Tanui

Joy Abraham

Parashina Lampat

Elaine Huang

Samuel Agyemang Tutu

Axelle Schrama

Mira Franzen

Carla Madueño Florian

Maria Alejandra Aguilar

Sam Viney

Linda  Weber

Maria  Aguialr

Yousra Kherkhache

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