Meet the world-changing women coming to GLF Bonn 2018


19 Nov 2018

What grassroots efforts have effectively helped indigenous communities in Asia Pacific? How is President Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement affecting climate finance? Can phone apps ‘green’ food supply chains in Nigeria? What is the Republic of Congo doing to protect the world’s largest swath of tropical peatlands?

This year at GLF Bonn 2018, world-changing women from five continents driving forward the fields of social equity, finance, ecology, sustainable business, landscape protection and management, policy and more are taking to the stage, and the answers to these questions is only the tip of the iceberg of what they have to share.

Two women ministers alongside business entrepreneurs, rights advocates, organizational heads and young landscape leaders of the future will discuss not only their knowledge and their expertise, but also their challenges and ideas, their motivations and experiences, and their visions for a more sustainable and equitable world.

Click here to see the full list of speakers at GLF Bonn 2018, and register now to hear from the women shaping our global future.

Minister of Environment and Tourism
Republic of Congo

Minister of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia

Founder and CEO
IIX (Impact Investment Exchange)

Founder and Chief Executive
Agrolay Ventures

Team Leader equal opportunities,gender justice & tenure

Biodiversity Finance Specialist
Fauna & Flora International

Project leader
ENABLE Consortium

Menos 1 Lixo

Sixth World Solutions

Indigenous Peoples Major Group for the SDGs

Head of the Independent Evaluation Unit
Green Climate Fund

Senior Director for the Environment and Natural Resources Global Practice
World Bank

University of the Philippines Manila

Programme Coordinator
Tropenbos International

Martha Rojas Urrego
Secretary General, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
Ramsar Secretariat

Voices from the Landscape

Chief, Terrestrial Ecosystems Unit (TEU)
UN Environment

Junior Advisor

Lead Natural Resources Management Specialist, Europe and Central Asia
World Bank

President & CEO EcoAgriculture Partners, USA
Chair of Landscapes for People Food and Nature Initiative

Advisor – International Forest Policy

Managing Director
Finance in Motion

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