Meet these 8 women with a new vision for Earth

8 Mar 2024

On International Women’s Day, the Global Landscapes Forum celebrates women transforming the world through finance, science, public policy, art, private initiatives, Indigenous knowledge and youth engagement.

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Bonn, Germany (8 March 2024) – All over the world and across multiple sectors, women are spearheading solutions to the planetary crisis – but these contributions all too often go unnoticed. It is only by highlighting women’s achievements and supporting their initiatives, that we can achieve gender equity, restore the Earth’s balance and enable humanity to not only survive but thrive for centuries to come.

Today, the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF), the world’s largest knowledge-led platform on sustainable land use, marks the United Nations’ International Women’s Day by honoring eight women with a new vision for Earth creating change in critical sectors across the globe:

“We are living a historic moment in the course of humankind, in which the ideals that brought us here are proving to be insufficient for us to be able to continue our journey on Earth with minimal conditions of dignity for human life and other forms of life. Now the ideals that can help us save life and the planet are those that enable us to use natural resources wisely.” – Marina Silva, minister of the environment and climate change of Brazil.

“We cannot restore the land while ignoring the plights of the people. In challenging the ‘status quo,’ we face many risks, but we draw courage and inspiration from each other and our common vision for environmental justice.” – Gloria Amor Paredes, 2023 GLF Forest Restoration Steward and co-founder of the Salumayag Youth Collective for Forests (Philippines).

“The mere existence of people in the Amazon is what is securing the future of the Amazon. Does that make us activists? No. It is simply part of who we are and where we come from. It’s a defense mechanism of nature itself.” – Helena Gualinga, co-founder of Polluters Out and environmental and human rights activist from the Kichwa people of Sarayaku, Ecuador

“[Business must] work more closely with the Indigenous peoples and local communities caring for the ecosystems their supply chains depend on. Rewriting our global economy’s ‘rulebook’ is essential to enable business and finance to act at the pace science demands.” – Eva Zabey, CEO of Business for Nature (Switzerland)

“I was captivated by science and its potential application in the study of climate change and the restoration of degraded lands. There has never been a better time for forestry and agroforestry science.” – Aster Gebrekirstos, senior scientist, leader of the Dendrochronology Laboratory at the Center for International Forestry Research – World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF) (Ethiopia)

“I remain convinced that the development challenges faced by countries can be overcome. Access to affordable capital is the only way to invest in sustainable development.” – Vera Songwe, chair and founder of the Liquidity and Sustainability Facility and co-chair of the Independent High Level Expert Panel on Climate Finance (Cameroon)

“In the face of inhumane circumstances, we cannot be silent. There will be no changes in the future if the present continues to neglect and trade lives for gold, feeding economic interests at the expense of rivers and food contaminated by mercury.” – Juma Xipaia, activist, medical student and first woman chief of the Amazon’s Middle Xingu region (Brazil)

“Stories are powerful purveyors of messages, and art has always played an important role in amplifying transformative ideas. All of us have a voice that can be used to say something meaningful, and artists have a special responsibility to use their creativity for a larger purpose.” – Dia Mirza, actor, producer and UN Environment Goodwill Ambassador (India)

Discover the stories of these inspiring women here.



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About the GLF

The Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) is the world’s largest knowledge-led platform on integrated land use, connecting people with a shared vision to create productive, profitable, equitable & resilient landscapes. It is led by the Center for International Forestry Research-World Agroforestry Centre (CIFOR-ICRAF), in collaboration with its co-founders UNEP and the World Bank, and its charter members. Learn more at

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