GLF Youth Catalyst Application #3 – Kirwa Annita Jepchirchir (Kenya)


29 Nov 2017

Kirwa Annita Jepchirchir, Age 25, Kenya 

Program of Study: Environmental Risk and Human Security

“Have you ever gone out to try and get fresh air only to remember, it is too hot and so unwelcoming too? The only option remains getting back to the house, turning on the fan and lying on an uncomfortable couch.

Rather, have you ever gone out to enjoy a beautiful scenery only to see structures and carpeted paths? I, for one, can’t remember the last time I woke up listening to the melodious songs of birds.

Car horns, the sounds of the city, are my alarm these days. Free gifts of nature have been exploited. The steps we take now will determine the quality of life on land tomorrow.

A seat for Annita will contribute to creating a mosaic of green and productive landscapes. I am positive about the pivotal role of Women in conserving, managing land resources. The Global Landscapes Forum will build my understanding on the changes needed to fully realize our large ambitions.”

**One of the top 10 submissions from our International Students’ Day Special Access Offer** 

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