GLF Youth Catalyst Application #5 – Quinten Pellegrom (Netherlands)


29 Nov 2017

Quinten Pellegrom, Age 23, Netherlands

Program of Study: Forest and Nature Conservation, Wageningen University

“I am greatly excited at the thought of participating at the GLF in Bonn upcoming December!

I specialize in Human-Nature Conflicts and how we should shape sustainable development to attain a symbiotic state of living with our environment. The constant decision made in collective and how to organize those decision-making process are of my interest and I would love to learn from all those attending the GLF who are working on the same challenging, and sometimes grueling, issues as I am.

These issues need to be addressed from a multidisciplinary and international perspective, so the GLF is the place to start these discussions.

My experience from a landscape restoration project in Northern Spain also taught me that there is still so much we can learn from each other. I would feel very privileged if I could be one of those to use that wealth of knowledge and networking opportunities in Bonn.”

**One of the top 10 submissions from our International Students’ Day Special Access Offer**

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