Reflection on UNFCC Bangkok Session 2018


27 Oct 2018

“In early September, I had the chance to attend the 48th Mid-intersessional Meeting of Subsidiary Bodies of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC SB 48.2) in Bangkok, Thailand. As a first-timer at a UN meeting, I tried to learn and read about the UNFCCC processes as much as I could before my departure. The IFSA delegates also joined the preparatory session hosted by YOUNGO, the Youth and Children Constituency of UNFCCC which was held a day before the opening of SB 48.2. From these sessions, we learned a lot about the basics of UNFCCC (history, processes, and updates of current situation) and YOUNGO roles as an observer throughout the meeting.”

Read Arifah Hidayati experience at the UNFCC Bangkok Session here 

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