Rethinking food systems for human and planetary health at GLF Bonn Digital Conference 2020


2 Jun 2020

BONN, Germany (2 June 2020) – The Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) Digital Conference, which will run online from 3-5 June, will kickstart a global conversation on how to ‘build back better’ and transform food systems to protect human well-being and planetary health in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

Among the more than 200 speakers are Head of UN Environment Inger Andersen and Director General of WWF International Marco Lambertini; the Special Envoy of WHO Director General on COVID-19 David Nabarro; environmentalist and scholar Vandana Shiva,’s Bill McKibben, and leaders of the emerging climate and food sovereignty movement in Africa.

Award-winning chefs, Vatican representatives, Indigenous and youth leaders and even an astronaut will also join to help reimagine the future of food in response to the heath, climate and biodiversity crises.

Over 3,000 people from civil society, research, government, academia, media, the private sector and more have so far registered to attend, spanning locations across the six inhabited continents. Over 18 million people have so far been reached on social media and conference organizers predict that hundreds of thousands will tune in to live streams based on numbers from past events.

The conference will make history as the largest digital conference of its kind, and will make use of cutting-edge tech tools to ensure that the online experience offers as many opportunities for interaction, connection and networking as possible – while keeping carbon emissions low and health risks minimal.

Interested? It’s not too late to sign up and be part of this crucial global conversation!

For more information, please contact:

Melissa Kaye Angel
GLF Communications Coordinator

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