‘We don’t know how rich we are:’ Bali to copyright heritage objects


11 May 2019

Fisher on the beach in Sanur, Bali. Photo credit: Francois Sorrentino (under Creative Commons license)

The Bali governor says the province’s administration is moving to protect Bali’s cultural assets from piracy. But first, it has to identify and catalogue those assets.

“Bali is known for our cultural wealth. Unfortunately, we don’t know exactly how rich we are, so we need to register our cultural heritage, our assets, and protect them,” said Bali Governor Wayan Koster, according to an article by Ni Komang Erviani and published in The Jakarta Post online.

Bali is known for its culture, including dance, music, paintings, architecture, sports and cuisine, said the governor. Past incidents of piracy include use of a traditional Pendet dance in an advertisement promoting Malaysia, the article said.


Read the full article on The Jakarta Post by clicking here.

Learn more about this topic at the Global Landscapes Forum conference in Bonn, Germany, 22-23 June 2019.

Read Landscape News stories from the 18th session of the U.N. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues here


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