What’s on the agenda at the GLF Amazonia digital conference?


4 Sep 2021

GLF Amazonia, September 21-23, will bring together new and traditional knowledge from across the biome, exploring how to preserve and restore the biological and cultural diversity of the world’s largest tropical forest, the Amazon.

The three days will leverage the latest evidence, innovation and business cases; convene partnerships; generate public support; and discuss how to do more, fast.

What’s in store for participants?

  • 9 plenaries
  • 24 interactive sessions and workshops
  • 4 global and regional launches
  • 3 youth daily shows + 3 networking sessions
  • Coffee chats with experts
  • 150+ speakers from Indigenous leaders to members of the European Commission

This Latin America regional conference, hosted by international NGO the Global Landscapes Forum in conjunction with the German Federal Ministries of the Environment (BMU) and Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and FOLUR, in partnership with its 31 charter members and supported by the Ford Foundation is an opportunity for people across the globe to gather in support of the Amazon Biome’s survival and ensure a pathway for alliances, collaborations, agreements, policy asks and recommendations to inform COP26.


Tuesday, September 21, 2021 – GLF Amazonia Opening Day

The GLF Amazonia Opening Day will launch the conference and explain the urgent situation of the Amazon as it approaches its ‘tipping point’ as well as lay the framework for ‘solutions from the inside out’. It will be available to view on the conference platform (register now) and on GLF’s social media channels and website for free (a link will be added on the day of the event).

The day continues with discussions on agroecology and the Amazon forest dieback, networking opportunities, workshops, youth daily shows, launches and coffee breaks with experts.

After the day’s activities, please join us in the evening for the opening of the Amazonia film festival.

Please see the latest agenda here (coming soon).


Tuesday, September 21, 2021 – Amazonia Film Festival Kickoff

The Amazonia film festival also kicks off on Tuesday, with the screening of over 15 micro, short and feature documentaries –in Spanish, Portuguese and English– about the Amazon region.

Filmmakers will take part in cine forums, telling about their experiences of filmmaking in the Amazon and the issues portrayed in their works, inspiring action and reflection. Award-winning and Indigenous filmmakers from Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and more engage in moderated and audience exchanges streamed live on GLF’s website and on the GLF Amazonia conference platform from Tuesday, September 21 – Thursday, September 23.

Please see the latest film festival agenda here.


Cultural Gallery

Culture – including art, spirituality and ways of living — is central to the Amazon, home to more than 30 million people and about 410 Afro-descendent, Indigenous and other ethnic groups. GLF Amazonia’s “cultural gallery” will give stage to art and cultural expressions about the Amazon region.

Music, photography, texts and other artworks will be displayed, along with accompanying information. Through short video messages, artists and creators will spark reflection on the Amazon region, its existence and tipping point.


Wednesday – Thursday, September 22-23, 2021

Days 2 and 3 of the conference continue with sessions and plenaries on topics including but not limited to the geopolitics of zero-deforestation and financing solutions for sustainable, inclusive and resilient value chains. Our hallmark Voices of the Landscapes plenary returns with a focus on Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities and Afro-descendant rights that maintain the Amazon biome.

The days continue with networking opportunities, youth daily shows, launches and coffee breaks with experts.

In the Closing Plenary on Thursday, get answers to the question “what now?” on how to scale sustainable business, climate finance, alliances and public policy for regional action.

After the day’s activities, please join us in the evening for the closing of the Amazonia film festival.


The youth program – Uniting for the Amazon

From small children discovering the beautiful secrets of the world’s largest tropical rainforest to young professionals dedicating their careers to ensuring the biome’s survival, the Amazon carries a special place in the hearts and minds of young people all over the world.

GLF Amazonia offers a unique opportunity to participate in a program with and for students and young professionals who are passionate about biocultural diversity, sustainable food systems, Indigenous Peoples’ and local communities’ rights, land tenure, and more.

Please see the latest program here

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